Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Trays under the feeders................. has made it easier for some of my visitors

I have added some trays under the feeders.
"A" to give the ground feeders a platform to feed from.
"B" to retain dropped seeds that attract the Woodpigeons... who are trampling all over the flowers!

I had only just screwed them on to feeders when the Collared Doves took advantage.

The perch was intended for the Robins and Blackbirds... don't worry they are using them as well.
As you can see the trays came with a hook underneath... enabling me to hang more feeders.

The trays are proving to be successful as a perch for feeding...
...stopping the mess and flower damage?... the juries still out on that one.

Wild Bird Wednesday


Stephanie said...

Great shots!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I hope your trays do the job - lovely doves! xo Karen

Douglas Mcfarlane said...

Clever idea did you buy them or make them, if brought where did you get them from

Brian King said...

That's a great idea. I hope it serves the intended purpose. The doves are beautiful!

Bob Bushell said...

Great job Andrew.

Susan said...

Clever idea. Nice shot of the beautiful doves!

Dave said...

I have trays under all of my feeders too. They can make a nice landing platform for the @#&%! squirrels...argh.

Anonymous said...

Good idea for your situation. We don't have flowers beneath our feeders so it is not a problem. Plus we have quail that need to feed from the ground so they along with the dove do the clean-up work. Well there are the skunks, raccoon and possum as well.

The Herald said...

Good Idea Andrew...maybe?...your seed bill will now go up!! I put them under all of my feeders and they do cut down on the mess...but they also provide a nice perch for the Wood Pigeons, Collared Doves and Squirrels which now happily sit nice and comfy and munch away ALL day...[;o)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew Seems a good idea to save your flowers but as Trevor's says, you may have Squirrels sitting there eating your food all day!! Doves look lovely

Breathtaking said...

Lovely capture of the Doves!:) The trays do look like a good idea, and are quite attractive.

Germán Ibarra Zorrilla said...

Bonitas fotos, interesante blog. Saludos desde Cantabria, España.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a good idea Andrew.. although I have three trays up on a fence and while I watch the bigger birds make such a mess with so much falling on the grass anyway :)

Anonymous said...

That's a good idea. The doves look really happy and they're much safer off the ground.

EG CameraGirl said...

It'll be interesting to see how neat the doves turn out to be. :))

Findlay Wilde said...

We got some of those from Winnington Garden Centre. Are yours from there. The collared Doves sit on mine like that as well and there is even an Jackdaw that tries to sit on it.

sunshine said...

Beautiful photos and great details.

Unknown said...

Pretty doves. The trays are a good idea.

Anonymous said...

The trays seem like a good idea.
The doves are really beautiful and look happy with the trays.

A Colorful World said...

Such a wonderful idea! And the collared doves are loving it...beautiful photos of them!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I just love doves so beautiful and your idea is a great one!