Sunday, 13 July 2014

Pheasants on my commute.............................................. avoiding the traffic!

I see pheasants most mornings while driving to work... mainly trying to avoid running them over.

The pheasant shooting season doesn't open again until October... they should be enjoying life instead of trying to become roadkill.

This male was stalking a female on the grass verge...
...better things on his mind than worrying about the traffic!


Findlay Wilde said...

There was a pheasant under one of my feeders actually in the garden last week. Your pictures really show those great markings.

TexWisGirl said...

how awesome!

ADRIAN said...

Andrew, they do look good but have to be one of the more stupid birds. Bred by stupid people so not too surprising. I can't see the fun in shooting something that has trouble flying.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I learned something about pheasants through Adrian's comment. Every species must have its dummies.

Douglas Mcfarlane said...

They seem to be in suicide mode at the moment one flew right in front of me as I cycled almost took me out

Bob Bushell said...

YTes, I agree with Adrian, the Pheasants are poor victims. Thick but, they are the most beautiful birds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he sure has a really brilliant red face. i have never seen a pheasant, but hubby used to hunt them when he was younger.. we have problems with roadkill here to

Brian King said...

We don't have pheasants here, but I used to seem them in Michigan where I'm from. Very handsome birds!

Stephanie said...

Wow, they are very colorful! Nice captures!

Liz said...

His colours are lovely.

Cynthia said...

They have such gorgeous colors. I had to stop yesterday and watch one in the ditch by the road.

Sylvia K said...

Such a beautiful, colorful bird and a terrific capture as always!! Have a great week, Andrew!!

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful pheasants and great shots ~ How fortunate to see them driving to work ~ what a gift ~ for OWT ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful shots of the Pheasant! The male is gorgeous.. Enjoy your week!

Fun60 said...

That's the male for you - all looks but no sense.

Adam Jones said...

They do seem particularly daft birds. Never in a hurry to get out of the way of a car.

Holly Myers said...

I grew up avoiding pheasants crossing the road, but now they are almost non existent. Thanks for the post!

LindyLouMac said...

Hi Andrew! Still following, here commenting today as an Our World Tuesday participant. Great captures of the pheasants. said...

Such lovely , colourful birds...spotting these makes commuting so much more fun. Do they get a fair warning before the hunting season?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew The plumage of the Pheasant is simply very beautiful

sunshine said...

Wow, a wonderful bird.

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful birds.

DawnTreader said...

Magnificently colourful bird!

Rohrerbot said...

I LOVE THIS BIRD!!!!! I don't often see them but when I do I go crazy! Lucky man!