Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Flowers in my garden..................................... and the tomatoes are doing well

A short video clip of the flowers in my little garden.

I am growing tomatoes...three plants outside in a grow bag.
If the sun keeps shining they should ripen fairly soon.... watch this space.


Stephanie said...

Great video and beautiful garden.

Anonymous said...

When I read "..video clip of the flowers in my little garden" I thought, what? Flowers just sit there. Was I ever wrong. Very well done video Andrew. I was impressed. Were the bird chirps real or did you add them in to the soundtrack. Either way, outstanding clip. Wonderful little flower garden too.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That's a great looking garden, and I like the video clip!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

It a lovely to see a butterfly in your video and the tomatoes are looking good. Lovely flowers.