Saturday, 26 July 2014

It's been a while!................................................ the tree seen on my commute

My journey to and from Manchester through the lanes of Cheshire is quite relaxing... the best part of my day.

I haven't shared an image of the lone tree I pass twice a day for ages.
This shot was captured this morning.... around 8 o'clock.
The gap in the hedge has become overgrown... a nice frame for my images.


TexWisGirl said...

i do love this tree. :)

Waldameise Andrea said...

Du hast einen schönen Arbeitsweg. Sicher wartet der Baum schon jeden Tag auf dich, um dich zu begrüßen.

Die Aufnahme ist sehr schön und stimmungsvoll, gefällt mir sehr.

Liebe Grüße

MadSnapper n Beau said...

welcome back to my favorite tree.. it still looks beautiful.

Brian King said...

Beautiful! That's one of my favorite trees!

Kay said...

Great photo. Very relaxing.

Anonymous said...

Andrew's tree is looking very good. Nice framing.

Breathtaking said...

There's something about a free standing tree that makes it stand out, and say look at me I'm beatiful.:)) Lovely photo!:)

Stephanie said...

I love that tree!

Rachel said...

Great to see the tree, which I recognised from posting images taken in 2011 and 2013 on our Species Spotlight Facebook page!