Sunday, 25 May 2014

Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula).............................................................................

I saw two Bullfinches in my garden yesterday... the male has been around for a couple of weeks...
....he has been joined by a female.

The male has rose-pink cheeks and underparts the female is drab grey below.

They were both back this morning and I managed a video clip.
The female is feeding first (with a Goldfinch) then the more colourful male.

Linking to Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


Bob Bushell said...

Feeding time again, I love the Bullfinches. Classic.

Unknown said...

Nice vid. But drab colours? c'mon she's beautifull :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are both beautiful, i love those bright red cheeks

Brian King said...

Very handsome birds!

Arija said...

How good is that??? Next you'll have them nesting in your garden and a veritable population explosion. I bet you won't mind that.

Unknown said...

Beautiful birds!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

Pantherka said...

Beautiful Andrew.

Ela said...

Wow ! Wonderful photo and so gorgeous bird !

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful capture/film, Andrew! Beautiful, colorful bird! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great week!!

eileeninmd said...

The Bullfinch is a pretty bird, great shots and video!

Unknown said...

What a lovely colored bird. They look nice and hungry. Enjoying an afternoon meal.

Stephanie said...

He is a beauty!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots.

TexWisGirl said...


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew You are so fortunate to have these beautiful birds visiting your feeders and great for us that you can shot the video of them.

Karen said...

It's so exciting when you can get photos of the pair! Great photos. I really enjoyed the video, it was like watching them through the window in my own backyard.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Cannot wait to see what happens with this pair ;)

FAB said...

A very nice species to grace your garden feeders.

Unknown said...

They're both beautiful! Lovely video.

Anonymous said...

They are so pretty!

Carole M. said...

they really are most impressive with their bold colour