Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Saving a toad from the road.............................................................................

During my visit to Moore Nature Reserve a few days ago we spotted a toad crossing the road in front of us.

We stopped to pick it up and carried it into the reserve...  close to ponds and of course safety.
I took the opportunity to capture a few clips with my camcorder.

My partner Mandy has no fear of handling wildlife and isn't frightened of getting pecked.

Our teamwork gives me the opportunity to get closer to the wildlife.

If you have time please visit and follow my new video blog " rambles with a camcorder " as I am trying to separate my video clips from my photo blog... many thanks.

Camera Critters


TexWisGirl said...

she's a nature lover and a good match for you. the toad is cute!

Magia da Inês said...

º° ✿✿ ♫° ·.Amei o vídeo e as fotos.
Bom Noite!!!!

Bob Bushell said...

The Toad was so happy, to have somebody help him across the road.

Anonymous said...

The toad looked sleepy. Must be the cold weather. Glad to see you are able to get out and about once again. Keep those knees warm. Did Mandy ever start her own blog?

Brian King said...

Nice of you to rescue the toad and nice to have a willing partner!

Michelle said...

Mandy is a brave one!

Stephanie said...

Very sweet of you to save the toad. Mandy is brave and a great helper with the photos.

Our photos said...

What a nice pictures you have taken.
Have a nice day!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, I love the toad video, Andrew. I rather think I might have done the same thing if wearing gloves, not sure I'd try it without.
I belong to an online writers' group called Imaginary Garden with Real Toads and the members refer to one another as "toads" so this is great!
I love the bird-feeding photos, too. I would love to have hands steady enough to feed wildlife, but mine shake a lot.

Gardener in the Distance said...

I've just watched your 'Twelve Months of Wildlife' Andrew - and subscribed to your clips. I only want to say that being able to watch Nature at work and play like this re-assures me that the world's OK, that humankind hasn't yet gobbled everything for itself. There's always hope, huh?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the toad and happy you saved it.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Good for you guys!

Pantherka said...

Beautiful video Andrew, the toad is gorgeous and you saved her.

Anonymous said...

Lucky toad, to be spotted and rescued. Hope he continues to lead a happy toad life.

Unknown said...

Nice video! The toad is a very interesting critter.

Anonymous said...

Mr Toad said you are heroes ~ Great video of 'saving the toad' ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice that you are up and about. Sometimes leaving the binoculars and the camera behind can lead to a most delightful view of nature. The hawk is beautiful.The partridge or game bird that walked by seems unperturbed by its presence.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful gestures.

Stewart M said...

Don't bite the hand that feeds you!!

Nice pictures.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think there is some innate desire for close contact with wildlife and hand feeding birds certainly qualifies.