Sunday, 8 December 2013

A stroll along the River Weaver.........................................................................

We were out and about again this weekend for a short walk along the River Weaver.
It was a mild for the time of year and unexpected after the stormy weather on Thursday.

 There wasn't much about in terms of wildlife but this pair of swans more than made up for that.

 We walked up as far as Dutton Locks and the shipwreck before retracing our steps.

  The swans swam alongside us for a while as we headed home.

My knees stiffen up for a while after these strolls but the recovery time is getting shorter... may be the medication helping but at least I am getting out and about in the fresh air.

Linking to Our World TuesdayWild Bird Wednesday and Skywatch Friday


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So glad you're getting out and about. Light in that last photo is magical. And I love the shipwreck..I take a lot of pictures of old abandoned boats...just something about them....

Bob Bushell said...

Beauty Andrew, of the lady, Mute Swans and the Olde shipwreck, great photos.

Brian King said...

Glad you're getting out! That's a beautiful place to walk!

TexWisGirl said...

really pretty, andrew. i hope you continue to get better!

eileeninmd said...

Andrew, glad you are feeling good enough to take these walks. The swans are pretty. Wishing you a complete recovery soon, have a happy week!

Davine said...

Lovely shots.

Sharon Wagner said...

The contrast between the swans and that wreak is pretty darn cool.

Anonymous said...

It does look to be a fine day for a walk.

Sylvia K said...

Good to know you are getting to get out and walk, Andrew!! Hope your recovery continues!! I love your captures for the day! The swans are so beautiful!! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Delightful photo walk with you ~ lovely photos for OWT ~ thanks, carol, xxx

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm glad the weather was mild enough to get you and your camera out.

Pantherka said...

Beautiful walk.

Fun60 said...

Good to see that you are walking further and further. the colours on that old boat were strangely beautiful.

Our photos said...

Nice photos!!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew. so glad you are able to get out and about better now with quicker recovery time. reat path to wal along Nd I love the swans.

Cynthia said...

The sans are beautiful. Love the layers of paint on the old wrecked boat.

TheChieftess said...

Beautiful sunset!!!

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots - I especially like that wreck.

Huldra said...

Beautiful pictures, and the sunset is stunning :)
Keep walking, and keep bringing your camera. It might hurt the body for a while, but it`s like balm for the soul, right? :)

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're able to go for walks again. It's beautiful along the river.

Pealogic said...

I would hate to think there will be a time I cannot get out and about in the fresh air. Glad you enjoyed your work.

mick said...

Beautiful scenery and great to have the swans beside you for a while.

Carole M. said...

lovely scenery and I'm sure the air was CRISP - lovely to see the swans and I enjoyed the location shots

Karen said...

I'll have to wait for Spring now to see swans! That's a lovely place for a stroll!

Stephanie said...

Nice shots of your walk.

HansHB said...

A lovely SWF-post!

Anonymous said...

Walking is the best medicine ... and you see nice things. And I love that sunset!

genie said...

Sounds to me like you are definitely making progress. Maybe the swans hung by hoping to get a bit of stale bread from you. Pretty shots.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Great photos... glad you are able to get out to capture these!