Monday, 2 December 2013

Close encounter................................................................ with a Sparrowhawk

We had a trip out to Moore Nature Reserve yesterday (Sunday) I haven't been since March.
We had a gentle stroll around and eventually arrived at the feeding station were there is a bird hide with seating to give my knees a rest.

I didn't take my camera as the intention was exercise and fresh air with a bit of birdwatching thrown in.
I had my spotting scope and tripod with my camcorder in my pocket "just in case".

We had only been sat down for a few minutes when a Sparrowhawk made an attack on the feeding Tit's and Chaffinches... and failed.

 It landed on a branch close by then to our surprise flew down to the waters edge and started to bathe.
It stayed for about ten minutes giving me plenty of time to capture a few clips.
You may spot a pheasant and a squirrel... both seemed totally unfazed by the predator in their midst.

Linking to Our World TuesdayWild Bird Wednesday and The Bird D'pot


Anonymous said...

Wow - amazing.

Cynthia said...

Amazing! I have hawks visit my birdbath but only to drink, never to bathe. Lucky for the other critters he wasn't too hungry!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, amazing indeed, Andres!! Awesome captures for the day!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Bob Bushell said...

You know what, I have never made a camera good Sparrowhawk, but you did.

TexWisGirl said...

he's quite comfy there with you near by! my squirrels don't fear the hawks around here, either... *sigh*

eileeninmd said...

Cool visitor and a great video, Andrew!

Horst in Edmonton said...

Hey Andrew, wonderful capture of that Sparrow Hawk. Was surprised to see the Squirrel and the Pheasant wonder by. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous! Marvelous for OWT ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Brian King said...

Great video! It's not often you see a hawk bathing! Very nice!

Stephanie said...

cool visitor and video.

Carole M. said...

great to see the squirrel and the pheasant in there too Andrew; glad you took your video. I'm sure you're glad you didn't miss out on that opportunity too

ADRIAN said...

Excellent, Christmas came early for you.

Fun60 said...

That's a great video of the sparrowhawk. Saw one, once, on the fence at the back of the garden. It had a small bird under its claw. As I live in London this was an incredible sight. Couldn't take my eyes off it, so no photo of course.

Unknown said...

Wonderful video of this beautiful bird!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing video,

Rohrerbot said...

I love how they'll bathe in the water like that. Nice video!

Hootin Anni said...

I always enjoy your videos so much. This is no exception. What amazes me is the acute hearing and eyesight...never to be forgotten as they bathe.

Karen said...

I guess the pheasant was too big to have for lunch! Great video!

HansHB said...

A great video!
Well done!

mick said...

I'm glad you had your camcorder to capture images of the Sparrowhawk bathing - very different images from what are usually seen. Great captures!

Anonymous said...

Great Accipiter! I posted an Accipiter today too.

Wally Jones said...

Nice work on getting this magnificent raptor on video, Andrew! He's beautiful!

Nothing like a hawk to liven up a bird bath.

Phil Slade said...

Nice work Andrew.

Dave said...

superb footage Andrew, great work mate.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a treat to see the hawk splashing around in the water. Great video work, Andrew!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

hi Andrew. Great to know you are managing a walk into nature. Now. What a wonderful find and the to capture it all on video for us to see. fantastic. thanks.

Adam Jones said...

Superb footage Andrew. Not something I've ever witnessed before. It's also my favourite raptor.

sandyland said...

terrific header