Monday, 4 November 2013

A new piece of kit....................................................... for smoother video clips

I spotted this fluid tripod head on Ebay for a knock down price the other day and bought it.
     There are plenty of fluid heads on the market but I always found them too expensive to justify getting one.

The usual price is around £35 but I got it for £24 with free postage.
It's all plastic but feels very solid and the pan and tilt locking lever is easy to adjust.

The movement is very smooth with my little lightweight camcorder... a big improvement on my current head.
I have had to delete many a clip because of jerky movements while panning... so hopefully this is the answer.
About Me

I returned to work today after quite a lengthy lay off with my knee problems. 
My day starts early and it's around 11 hours before I return home... so posting will be at a minimum for a while...
...or at least until I get back into some sort of routine.
I will continue to follow and comment on blogs as best I can.


TexWisGirl said...

congrats on the good deal.

i do hope this means your knee is doing better!

Dave said...

Good luck getting back into the grind. Think about the weekend...that will get you through the day!

Bob Bushell said...

A good find Andrew.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew That is wonderful that you are well enough to return to work. Looking forwward to fantastic videos now!!! Post when you can.

Stephanie said...

Congrats on both counts, the new purchase and back to work.

Carole M. said...

good to know you're fit to make it back to work again Andrew; knee issues are very perplexing; take care! You'll be looking forward to the weekend then to work with your new tripod head. That brand is the same as on my tripod.

Anonymous said...

Will be interested in know how your new gadget works. Welcome back to the workforce.

Kay L. Davies said...

Good luck with getting back to work. I hope everything goes well. I know how difficult it can be.
Meanwhile, congratulations on getting such a bargain. I'm sure it will be one of your favourite things.

ADRIAN said...

I'm glad you are on the mend.
I have a Velbon macro plate and it has been fine. This should give good service if you don't overload it.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds like you got a good deal here Andrew, hope it makes videoing much easier for you. Sounds like things are pretty hectic for you, watch that knee.. every know and then if I get a bit carried away I get a twinge that warns me to take it easy :)

genie said...

Take care of that knee and go slowly.I have a feeling that you are probably happy to be getting back to work. A fluid tripod head...does it have the “legs” attached? And what does “fluid”mean? I am going to have to do some Google research tonight. Take care. genie

Liz said...

It's always like Christmas when you get new camera gear!
I hope your knee is improving. I can sympathise... I had knee surgery (my 6th time) almost 3 months ago and it's been a very slow going.