Friday, 25 October 2013

The Dunnock..................................................................................................

Known as the Hedge Sparrow when I was a lad... the Dunnock is a garden favourite of mine.

Dunnock (Prunella modularis).

Dunnocks are actually song birds... the males sing in winter but most song is heard between January and July.

 Ground feeders they creep around mouse-like but do visit my raised feeders from time to time.

They are one of the birds species that often falls victim to the cuckoo.
The cuckoo will lay it's own eggs in the dunnocks nest and the unsuspecting new "parents" end up rearing a cuckoo rather than their own young.

They are also one of the most frequent visitors to the hole in my fence.

Linking to Camera Critters and The Bird D'pot


Dave said...

Got a breeding pair in the garden. I think all the youngsters have left now.

I always associate them with my Robins, where there is one you will often find the other

Nice post Andrew

DeniseinVA said...

Dare I say I am so glad you still have the hold in your fence? :) Wonderful little bird Andrew and great photos as always.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the Dunnock looks just like me, could be my cousin...

Anonymous said...

Happy to see the hole in the fence lives on.

TexWisGirl said...

very cute little ones.

genie said...

YOu must never block that fence hole. Your birds will riot. This appears to be one of their favorite spots. Sparrows are such dear birds.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew I have 2 thatcomeallthe timeto my garden and they had a chick this year also. I love waatcching them on my grass.

EG CameraGirl said...

Sweet birds! I've never hear of dunnocks before.

Jo's World said...

That first picture of the Dunnock is adorable. Sweet little round

Jo in MN

Kay L. Davies said...

I agree, that first photo is wonderful. And I also agree that you mustn't mend the hole in your fence. In time, it will become a landmark, to the bird population if not to the population as a whole.
(pun might or might not have been intended)

Brian King said...

Really nice photos! Glad to see they use the fence entrance, too!

Stephanie said...

Love the bird shots!!!

Carole M. said...

lovely to see the Dunnock today; a nice series from your garden again

WE said...

Good one, never seen it such close view.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely Dunnock, and one other that the used the hole in your fence.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Great bird.. Nice pictures.. Congrats and regards..

Snap said...

fun to see the feathered critter visiting the hole in your fence! wonderful shots of the Hedge Sparrow/Dunnock.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos of this cute little bird.

Anonymous said...

I love they way its personality comes though in these photos.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots!

Anni said...

It's marked very pretty!!! And of course, I'm beginning to look forward each week to see just what new one is in the fence hole.

Your birds love that. As I do.

Well done Andrew

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos of sweet birds for CC ~ don't think you should patch up the hole in the fence ~ they love it!
carol ^_^

Gemma Wiseman said...

The fence hole frames the little dunnock so beautifully. Love the variety of brown tones on the feathers. said...

Great pictures! Had to look for a translation for dunnock but Prunella modularis did not ring a bell as well. But now I know what little birds I have in my garden visiting! Thank you!

Louisette said...

Dream fotos captures, best regard from Belgium