Thursday, 3 October 2013

Jackdaws............................................................. scarce visitors to my garden

I see and hear Jackdaws flying over my garden quite often... and they are a common sight on the rooftops.
I just can't remember the last time I saw one in the garden.

I do know I have never captured an image of one visiting my little patch.

 This fella had a good look around which gave me time to get the camera...

...but didn't stay long enough to eat from my selection of feeders.
A member of the crow family... with pale watery grey eyes.
 I hope this was the first of many visits.


ADRIAN said...

Wire your feeders on Andrew, The little devils pick them up drop them and feast at their leisure. Corvus are bright birds but naughty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantastic photos of this guy.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

Crows are one of my favorite birds but this fellow just takes it up a notch.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew These are fantastic shot of the Jackdaw. He may come back again so keep your eyes peeled. Hope your recovery is progressing well.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots of this bird! I find birds very tricky to get on film! :)

The Herald said...

A nice garden tick Andrew, I'm sure that was just a scouting mission and he'll soon be back...with his friends! I hope your food bin is well stocked?...[;o)

Dave said...

Great capture Andrew..... 100s here daily, not all in my garden but very local, however every night 1000s go right over the garden to roost in a few locations around the village.

Carole M. said...

a handsome bird he is too; especially like that first photo and hope he visits more often (and not scare away the smaller birds)

TexWisGirl said...

handsome bird - and these are great shots!

Bob Bushell said...

The first is fantastic. I love them.

Magia da Inês said...

Gostei mais da elegância do pássaro na primeira foto.

Bom fim de semana!
♡ Brasil ♡♫°° ·.

Stephanie said...

Fabulous shots of this bird.

Kay L. Davies said...

Fascinating photos. I love the silver colour of him when the light is full on him. I don't believe I've ever seen a jackdaw, but they've appeared in many books I've read.
The "pale watery grey eyes" are very interesting. I do hope he comes back.
And I also hope you are recovering well.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

These are wonderful shots!

Brian King said...

Love these birds! They look similar to our crow. Beautiful shots!