Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Hoppy the frog is still in my garden........ looking for somewhere to hibernate?

 Common Frog (Rana temporaria)

I spotted the frog on my patio again this morning as he struggled to climb back up to the path.
Frogs are welcome visitors to my garden as they feed on insects,slugs and snails.

This step must have looked like a cliff face from his angle... it's actually only two bricks high.
Frogs only move by hopping and can cover up to half a metre in a single jump but that's on level ground.

 Climbing upwards appeared to be a different proposition.

I watched as he made half a dozen attempts to leap up...

...moving along the wall as he fell back looking for a better grip.

 When he finally made it he sat resting for a good five minutes before jumping into the flowerbed.

Frogs hibernate from late October to February so this little fella will soon be looking for somewhere to shelter. They spend the winter sheltering under rocks, in compost heaps or at the bottom of ponds.
I don't have a pond but he is welcome to stay if he can find a safe spot.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

ship him here, he will not have to hibernate... he is so beautiful.

ADRIAN said...

It's a beauty.
You'll have to find it a home for the winter.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Well that was a lovely story with great shots of Hoppy/ Hope he finds somewhere in your garden to hibernate. Hope you are improving.

Merisi said...

What a brave little fellow! Love your pictures immensely, so moving, they touched my heart.
Thank you,

Brian King said...

His persistence paid off! Nice shots!

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

Maybe Hoppy is getting up in years and has bad knees. Perhaps you need to build Hoppy a ramp.

TexWisGirl said...

he's very cute.

Stephanie said...

Cute shots of the frog.

genie said...

Loved reading the story of your frog as I looked at the different shots. I really liked the one of him contemplating how to go UP. genie

Jocee said...

He looks great, what lovely photos. Nice story too.

Unknown said...

He has nice colours. Great shots!

Our photos said...

Beautiful frog photos!
Greetings, RW & SK