Friday, 16 August 2013

A week away in Norfolk.................................................................... via Birdfair

We are off for a well earned holiday to Norfolk on Saturday... stopping off to visit Birdfair 2013 on the way.

Fingers crossed the weather is similar to my last visit in 2011... the forecast is for showers.
I have a hotel booked in Peterborough for Saturday night then it's a case of just following our noses for the rest of the week. 

Norfolk has big skies... this was taken on my last visit in 2008.
The tent is in the car but we are more likely to be finding a bed and breakfast for a bit of comfort.

The only plans are to visit a few bird reserves and of course a boat trip to Blakeney Point to see the seals.
The weather will decide the rest... time spent just sunbathing on a beach would be nice.

The bird feeders are topped up but will be empty in a couple of days knowing this lot.

I have loads of House Sparrows at the moment...

... between them the Sparrows, Robins, Blue and Great Tits are making short work of the fatballs.

I will be back in about a week.

Skywatch Friday


Gillena Cox said...

have a good trip

much love...

Noel Morata said...

wow that looks like a fun trip and all the camera providers where there to :)

Laura said...

a lovely series... especially enjoyed the seals:-)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Hope you have fair skies and an enjoyable time! That feeder does get a workout.

Rohrerbot said...

Have fun!!

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant photos, have a beautiful holiday.

Anonymous said...

Have a grand time and I hope you get a lifer.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely images, the birds are beautiful. Have a great trip!

Brian King said...

That sounds like fun! I notice several camera equipment companies...that alone would make me want to go. Love the seals! Beautiful shots of your birds!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Guessing your going to return with some great photos!!

Ercotravels said...

Interesting tour! the little bird looking cute.

ADRIAN said...

Have a good week.

WE said...

Have a good time :)

Shirley said...

What a cutie that little sparrow is! Looks like you enjoyed a wonderful day.

Pantherka said...

Andrew, enjoy it.

Nature in the Burbs said...

Enjoy your trip

Nancy said...

Hoping you enjoy your trip as much as I enjoy your photos Andrew.

Stephanie said...

Love the boats shot and the seals!