Sunday, 21 July 2013

My weekly food shop.................................................................... for the birds

 My garden is small... just 34ft x 22ft but I do get plenty of birds on the feeders.

I am fortunate to have a local store selling bird food for reasonable prices.
This lot cost me less than £15.

 For a small garden I am lucky to have nesting birds... the Robins have a baby for the second year running.

 Grumpy looking... but so cute to see.

 I provide a variety of food stuffs for my little friends... the Robins, Sparrows and Tits love the fat balls.
A bucket of 50 cost me £5.99.

The Blackbirds love the meal worms as do the Magpies...
 ...this juvenile Blackbird in the flower bed this morning also hatched in my garden.

Black Sunflowers Seeds are a real bargain at 69p for a 500g bag.
 Peanuts were 99p for 400g as was the Robin Seed Mix for 650g.

I am getting loads of young House Sparrows on the feeders and foraging on the floor.
They are never short of something to eat...

 ... except when I'm at work... and this little rascal turns up.


TexWisGirl said...

you give them a great buffet to choose from! sweet babies!

DeniseinVA said...

Those little robin babies are adorable. You take care of your birds well, and we are 'fed' too through these gorgeous photographs. Food for the soul most definitely.

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful photos. I love the baby birds. When we had a cat, birds stopped coming to our yard. The previous owners fed them, but we haven't started to do so. I'm sure we will be able to entice them back when we no longer have a big dog who considers the yard hers and hers alone.

Bob Bushell said...

Hum, I wish I had a bird feeding shop. Yes, it is a job to feeders top up.

The Herald said...

The clientele just go to show that your garden must be the best diner in town Andrew! That baby Robin might look grumpy but it also looks well fed!...[;o)

Rosemary said...

The birds in our garden cost us a small fortune - wherever do you buy sunflower seeds so cheaply?
Love the grumpy baby Robin.

Carole M. said...

little wonder the birds flock to your garden space. It's kind of funny how we see a 'grumpy face' on the little robin. I'm sure it's a misconception with all those tasty morsels to take on

jeanlivingsimple said...

I've seen Fat Balls. Are made from suet fat?
Great pics, Andrew!

Michelle said...

Mr. Squirrel knows you just returned from the store :)

Anonymous said...

Last year I kept track of bird feed expenses. It totaled out to $360 for the year; darn near a dollar a day. Cheap entertainment I say.

Cezar and Léia said...

These are wonderful pictures!Thanks for sharing!
Léia and little LUNA

Nancy said...

Very reasonable prices for that amount Andrew. :)

Fun60 said...

I don't think I've seen a baby robin before or maybe I have but never realised it.

Unknown said...

You're a good provider to them!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I'm sure the squirrel appreciates your trips to the grocery! Love that baby robin!

Unknown said...

With such menu no wonder your visitors love your place! :-)

Hootin Anni said...

Okay...I'm quite a novice, and I'm pretty sure I understand what they are...obviously, but I have never seen 'fat balls' in our stores. And I bet the birds love 'em.

mick said...

Delightful to have that many young birds around your yard. It looks as if you spread quite a banquet for them!

i stora drag said...

So nice pictures of your garden birds. The little Robin is so cute!
I have never seen so much different bird food before!
Greetings Pia

Karen said...

The robins are so sweet! Gosh you pay a lot less for birdseed than we do here in Canada. I have the same little seed stealing rascals in my yard!

eileeninmd said...

Lots to eat there, your birds should be very happy. Cute birds and photos.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful birds in your garden.

Arija said...

Lucky you that you can get such a diversity of bird food. Here we can only get food for aviary birds not wind birds.
Lovely to have all those birds nesting in such a limited area, also easier to photograph than on my 500 acres.
Hugs . . . Arija

Phil Slade said...

Good thing you have a good and friendly local store Andrew. those birds of yours do sure eat a lot - nothing but the best i see.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We hang feeders during the summer here in Oregon. I was thinking the other day that I couldn't believe how quickly those little goldfinch go through the sunflower seed. But it is so worth it!