Monday 24 June 2013

Flowers in my garden.................................................. so far it's just the rose

My bedding plants went in a bit late this year because of the poor weather and are way behind.

The only thing worth sharing so far is the rose bush by the patio.

 I planted this in memory of my little cat Billy who was run over back in 2006.

 The rose is called  "A friend for life"  and has gone from strength to strength year on year.

The garden is crying out for a bit more sunshine.
I will keep it all well watered.... we don't need any more rain.

Our World Tuesday


  1. beautiful roses... hope the sun keeps on shining on them and on you..

  2. Loved the name of that rose. Is it scented?

  3. Such beautiful roses and I love the name, too!! Great shots for the day, Andrew! Hope you have a wonderful week! Enjoy!

  4. What a beautiful garden, lovely roses

  5. Beautiful roses. It's really hard to grow them here in central Florida so I don't see them often. That last shot is screaming for a headline! Cute!

  6. Beautiful roses!! Boom & Gary of the Veermilon River, Canada.

  7. Your roses are beautiful! Hope you get more sunshine. :)

  8. My mum loves the roses, I don't, they prickle me, lol.

  9. Beautiful pink roses. Mine is also blooming too and we need rain it is very hot here in Michigan.

    Mary, MI

  10. It's a delightful summer rose Andrew ... I must watch out to see if it's available here. A lovely tribute to little Billy.

  11. Sorry about Billy but he can rest assured that there is a beautiful memorial created just for him.

  12. And beautiful roses they are!

  13. Maybe your other plants are late so you can concentrate on that lovely rose and the associated memories.
    The rest will come in due season.
    Hugs . . . Arija

  14. such a pretty rose and even though you're not getting enough sun lately, it doesn't seem to have set it back any

  15. It's a beautiful rose and a lovely way to memorialize Billy.
