Tuesday, 12 March 2013

My first visit to Haydn's Pool this year......... isn't honesty a wonderful thing?

I had a walk in the countryside yesterday... my first since my knee surgery... but ended up doing it twice.

My knees are still a bit sore but I feel they are getting better so a trip to the Northwich Woodlands to stretch my legs and a bit of bird watching seemed ideal.

The walk to Haydn's Pool from the car park isn't too far and is on the level.

...until you reach the steps to the bird hides but my knees seemed quite happy.

 After a bright sunny morning it was snowing as we arrived at Haydn's Pool.

 The weather was changing all the time...
 ...we saw Mallards, Teal, Gadwall, Shovelers and Tufted Ducks but the water levels were high...
 ...so we didn't see any waders.

Amanda's wellies!... subtle country footwear.

... at least her nails matched.

I still had the steps to descend but took my time and got down OK.

As we headed over to Neumanns Flash it wasn't long before the next flurry of snow arrived so it was back to the car as quickly as we could manage... a quickening limp from me rather than running.

Now for the reason I did the walk twice.
We set off to the supermarket...  as we arrived I realized my wallet was missing.

I knew I had it with me as we had earlier purchased snacks for the walk.
A four mile journey back to the shop was fruitless so it was back to the woodlands to retrace our steps...
...  now dry but very cold with no sign of my wallet.

The Police Station was next... again no success.
It was then home to phone the bank and cancel my debit card...  it's replacement will take 2 to 4 days but at least I now had peace of mind.
There was no cash in the wallet just the bank card and my photo driving license... something else I would need to replace.

I had been at home for about an hour or so when there was a knock at the door... 
...a young couple (in their 20's I guess) had found my wallet while out enjoying the same walk.
My driving licence has my name and address on it so I was easy to trace... in fact this was the second time they had been round... I was out retracing my steps the first time they called.

I thanked them profusely because as well as my cards I do have some keepsakes in the wallet...
...of no value to anyone else but which mean the world to me.

It was only after they left that I wished I had asked them their names and where they lived so I could somehow reward them... it never occurred to me during my relief at the time.
I really hope I meet up with them again so I can thank them again...
...I am so blown away by their honesty.

Linking to Rurality Blog Spot and Skywatch Friday



How lovely a story of your wallet being returned. I've had the same happen to me. Enjoyed the photo-series and hope it was a nice time despite the snow. (And hope your knees keep improving!)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a fantastic story... it makes my heart glad that there are honest caring people left in our sad old world. and also happy you were able to climb up and down those steps.

ADRIAN said...

Good the knees are working....What about getting matching wellies?

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love those red boots. ha. ha!!

walking in the snow. wow. you guys are tough & strong hikers. ( :

TexWisGirl said...

really nice to hear of a sweet couple who returned their find.

and good to hear your knees are cooperating!

love the bright wellies!

John J said...

Experiences like that renew your faith in humankind.
Great to hear your good knee knews!

Pantherka said...

This is awesome Andrew.
Have you taken a trip.
And with your wallet it turned out great.
Such people today much anymore.


What a great couple and so honest.


Bob Bushell said...

There are beautiful people in this world, but, I lost mine about 6 months ago, it was stolen. Because, it was found in someones garden, hidden in a deep hedge, I had a £20 in it, it wasn't there, and it was found by a person who lived a half a mile that I don't go to.

The Herald said...

Glad to see you're getting out and about Andrew. I'm sure a pair of those go faster wellies would be a great aid to your further recovery!!

Nice to hear there was a good outcome to you loosing your wallet, how lucky that the young couple who found it were so honest?...[;o)

grammie g said...

HI Andrew...Yeah..nice to see you out and about, but taking it carefully!!
Sure looks like a messy day..good for wellies and matching nails LOL!
There are honest people and lucky for you there are, we just don't hear much about good deeds!!
Enjoyed your WBW post to! Spiffy new feeders, and I guess we know which seed the Robin prefers..cute shot with his head in the hole ; )
Grace xx

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

I was going to give you a "what for?" for overdoing it, walking out there twice, but now I see you had good reason. Still, don't make the mistakes I do by overdoing it after a long layoff. Come back easy. As for the reward, consider the young couple seeing how pleased you were being all the reward they wanted. No doubt they would have refused your money (I would). Just the satisfaction of doing a good deed is reward enough. Nice uplifting post Andrew.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great to hear this happy ending to the story! There are still good people out there.

Michelle said...

There really are wonderful people out in the world. Too bad they are becoming scarce.

Carole M. said...

at least the inclement and contrary weather doesn't send all the birds to other places, you did get to see some. Have you whispered to Amanda yet that maybe her fabulous boots need to be a little bit more 'bird friendly'? You might be down on your bird photo count if they're trailing behind you ..... :) Glad you're up and walking about again Drew!

Gillian Olson said...

What a great story Andrew, and glad you are out and about again.

Maya said...

Such a heart-warming story! I'm sorry you had to go through 'the stress and worrying', but what a wonderful ending :) It's great to know there are good peeps out there. Hope your knees are doing well, and that you're continuing to be careful!

Arija said...

I am really glad on three counts, a) you are recovered enough to go out and about, b) you did get your wallet back and c) your faith in humanity was boosted by the honesty and concern of the young couple.
You also got some lovely shots of falling snow.

Brian King said...

Glad you were able to get out and stretch those legs and exercise the knees! It sounds like they're rehabbing nicely. Losing a wallet is a sickening feeling and can be a hassle. How fortunate yours was found by some honest folks!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Looks very cold but it's beautiful out there.

Trying to catch up with Camera Critters entries. Hope you'd stop by and post a comment on my BUTTERFLY entry.

J said...

Glad you got your wallet back, Andrew. Just as well for your sake that I didn't find it - haha! (Only joking - obviously I would have returned it - or would I?)

Anonymous said...

Love that matching nails and wellies... Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #6' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #7...

Steffi said...

Very beautiful photos and story for SWF!Thank you for it and have a nice weekend!

HansHB said...

Nice post!
Happy SWF to you!

Light and Voices said...

It was dreadful that you lost your wallet. In this stress you did all the right things: went back to where you lost it, went to the Police station, cancelled credit cards. Now all you need to do is pay it forward. Even though you don't know who helped you; in return you can help someone else today, tomorrow the next day, whenever. I bet that young couple feels all warm inside for doing you a favor too. They wouldn't need a reward or even a thank you. Accept the blessing from the universe and pass it on, Andrew.

I love that the fingernail polish matches your friend's wellies.

Impressive photos!
JM Illinois

Liz said...

Love the red boots. Wonderful shots! Happy sky watching.

My sky.

Stewart M said...

Good story!

Also glad the new feeders are doing well, even if Mr. S would like you to fill it up!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW

Stewart M - Melbourne