Sunday 17 February 2013

Findlay shows a few fellow bloggers his patch...... a lovely day was had by all

I have just got home after a wonderful afternoon on a walk led by Findlay to celebrate his 11th birthday.
Organised by Findlays parents Heather and Nigel as a birthday surprise for him I was joined by a few fellow bloggers I follow but have never met before.

This is the group photo taken at Vale Royal Locks on the River Weaver... it's also my patch..
Keith, Nigel (Findlays dad), Kane, Chris, Trevor, Sharon, Gary, Heather ( Findlays mum) and Phil with Harley and Findlay.
Click on their names and if you follow any of their blogs they may share a similar photo... with me in it.

Findlay trying out his new camera
Highlight of the afternoon had to be a very obliging Kingfisher that we all managed to capture pictures of... Findlay told me it had made his day... I managed a few record shots.

A lovely afternoon and after sharing Findlays birthday cake we all got a goody bag to take home.
Many thanks to Heather, Nigel, Harley and of course the birthday boy Findlay for a fantastic afternoon.


  1. Thank you so much for coming and thank you for the present. I think you might be in with a chance of winning the kingfisher photo competition. It was nice to meet Amanda too. From Findlay.

  2. How wonderful to great to get-together with a group of like-minded bloggers, and a happy birthday to Findlay.

  3. saw this on findlay's blog. thought it was SO cool! love that you got to meet the others as well - love that keith. :)

  4. belated birthday wishes to Findlay; this made for a delightful post 'Drew. Wonderful parents to indulge Findlay in such a wholesome hobby outlet; what wonderful days they have ahead of them.

  5. Andrew, it was a pleasure to finally meet up with you and Amanda today.

    What a great day it was..and good that we could all get together and celebrate this remarkable young man's birthday.

    Super images of the Kingfisher...I've not looked at mine yet!!...[;o)

  6. Wow! This is such a wonderful post in so many ways! Beautiful Kingfisher.. (how come birds in England are always so much showier than their counterparts over on this side of the pond?)...I mean I love "our" Kingfisher, but he doesn't hold a candle to this guy.

    And what a wonderful birthday. Lovely people, lovely meet up in a beautiful spot. Just great.

  7. great to meet you today and share such a lovely day - seeing the kingfisher was the icing on the cake, great pics!

  8. Lovely birthday you had, Findlay.

  9. Lovely that all of you came together for Findlay's birthday!

  10. A great day out Andrew. Good to meet up finally, and enjoy the countryside all together.
    The Kingfisher was a real star, but the gold star belongs to Findlay and his family.

  11. There's a couple of people (Chris & Kane) in the group that I know well Andrew!

  12. It was so good to finally meet you, and lovely to meet Amanda too. Hope your knees we okay the next day x

  13. That third kingfisher shot is beautiful.

  14. What a great way to celebrate a birthday! Excellent shots!

  15. I popped over to Milton's blog and met you there. It was certainly a great day for all of you.

  16. How wonderful you were to share in Findlay's day.
    Being a redhead myself - gotta love his hair! :)
    You got some terrific shots!
    A pleasurable post Andrew!

  17. The Kingfisher is beautiful. It would make my day too! What a creative way to celebrate a young birdwatcher's b'day!

  18. What a super way to celebrate Findlay's birthday!

  19. Great get together!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  20. Great post, lovely kingfisher!

  21. What a great outing, meeting other bloggers friends and celebrating Findlay's birthday! Great shots of the Kingfisher.

  22. This bird looks kind of familiar - now where have I seen it before!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  23. Congratulations Findlay for turning 11 and I am thinking that one day, you shall run your own birding blog...let me know;')~

  24. What a great day. I'd love to meet up with some blogger friends one day!
