Wednesday 20 February 2013

A few more images from Findlays birthday walk..............................................

A few random photos taken during Sundays walk guided by Findlay Wilde to celebrate his 11th Birthday.

 Chris, Gary, Sharon, Trevor and Keith head the group alongside the River Weaver.

  The day was so kind to us... the weather was fantastic.

 Within the first few hunderd yards we had seen Mute Swan, Canada Geese, Buzzards, Cormorants, Mallards and Herons nesting.

 Kane sharing his knowledge with Findlay... and Findlays Dad Nigel keeping his eye on the guests.

The highlight for all of us was this Kingfisher... I am still trying to work out how Nigel and Heather organised it's appearance on the day... wonderful parents.

Only in England will you find two red telephone boxes in the middle of nowhere.
No phones they were just ornaments... some people have too much money.

Trevor, Gary, Heather, Sharon and Keith nearing the end of the walk.
We were fed and watered before sharing Findlays birthday cake after a rousing version of Happy Birthday.
Another big thank you to Heather and Nigel and it was so lovely to meet all the guests.

Linking to Skywatch FridayCamera Critters and The Bird D'pot

Please scroll down to read the previous post for the full story


  1. I love these pictures, thank you so much for posting them x

  2. Hey Andrew, looks like you and the others had a great time on your walk. I think it would be a blast to meet all of you blog friends. Love all of those great cameras and lenses that came along for the walk. ;-)

  3. Grand birthday for Findlay, good pictures of the nature lovers, and the Kingfisher, superb.

  4. What a great birthday for Findlay! I love that you were able to meet up with some of us fellow bloggers!
    This little bird is so colorful,thanks for sharing,had a laugh at the phone booths !Thanks for sharing,phyllis

  5. Such a great birthday for this young man!

  6. your kingfisher is so vibrant in color. such a nice thing for findlay. :)

  7. Some lovely pics here especially that lake.... so calm and serene.
    And don't worry.... the surgery will go well :-)

  8. Was a great day, good to see your photos Andrew, and nice to meet you

  9. nice to see another follow-up report on this fun outing and most successful at that

  10. It's a motley crew you've captured there Andrew. It was a great day.
    Those phone boxes!..why didn't it even dawn on me to take some pictures of them?...I think I'm loosing it!!...<:-{

  11. Love your serie of photos. The kingfisher is great! Well done!

  12. Great photos, looks like you had a great walk.

  13. This was the most wonderful birthday party ever and I still can't believe that glorious Kingfisher!

  14. Very beautiful photos Andrew.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  15. It looks like the perfect location for a nature walk!!
    Great Kingfisher spotting!

  16. What a beautiful day and walk you had!
    The Kingfisher is incredible with its spectacular colors.

    My Camera Critters is at:

  17. Wow, that Kingfisher is marvellous!

  18. Wonderful shots, even my favorite is king fisher.

  19. Beautiful Kingfisher shot! And a great day for Findlay!

  20. Another great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  21. It looks like a great time and walk! I'm sure Findlay had a great time! The Kingfisher is fantastic! Such beautiful plumage! How are your knees holding up?

  22. The kingfisher is amazing! Looks like a wonderful day.

  23. What a nice walk you had indeed and the more precious since it's time spent with family. Love the kingfisher photo too.

  24. Great image series showing.
    WAU - I say to your kingfisher :) Hanne Bente

  25. Beautiful...I especially like the Kingfisher!!

  26. Looks like a great walk and what a fabulous photo of the kingfisher. Love the telephone boxes, yes, only in England.
