Monday 28 January 2013

Two little birds I haven't seen for months in my garden..................................

While doing the Big Garden Birdwatch yesterday it dawnwd on me that two of my favourite garden visitors hadn't been on my feeders for months... in fact I don't think I saw a Greenfinch during 2012.

This little video clip was taken in 2010 when both species were common visitors.

Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. they do seem to have disappeared recently, hopefully back soon if the weather improves!!

  2. I don't think I've ever seen a Greenfinch. I think the other is a Zebra Finch? Handsome bird!

  3. I often wonder how birds can eat and swing at the same time. :)

  4. Great shots ~ Adorable and colorful birds!

    (A Creative Harbor)

  5. That was very different and very enjoyable!

  6. these are so exotic they look like they belong in the tropics..

  7. Great video of the birds at the feeder. I wonder where the Greenfinches have gone?

  8. They are both beautiful birds! Nice to be able to add them to your count.

  9. Its not very often that we can do this - but I have seen both of the birds in the start of the video this month!

    Both Green and Gold Finches have been introduced here and I saw them! (Just realised that Green and Gold are Australia's traditional sport colours!)

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. They're beauties!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  11. Andrew...The video is priceless. Love the swinging feeder and them spitting out the part of the seeds they did not want. The contrast in color is so nice. The red on the crown is beautiful. genie

  12. Well, I don't think I've seen either, so you're ahead of me. Wonder where they've gone off to?

  13. The variety you have is amazing!

  14. Those are both new birds to me, hope they come back to your feeders.

  15. It's a lovely video, but makes me sad that you're not seeing them any longer -- hope you find out why (and that it isn't bad news).
