Sunday 27 January 2013

Big Garden Birdwatch..................................................................... my results

This was my garden yesterday morning.
It rained for most of last night (I am a light sleeper) and when I got up this morning the snow had all gone.

I did my garden bird count between 8 and 9 o'clock this morning.
I had nine different species visit during my watch.
Blackbirds, Woodpigeon, Dunnocks, Robins, Magpie, House Sparrow, Great Tit, Coal Tit...

 ... and a couple of Blue Tits.
I had no more than two of any species at a time... it was a bit quiet for some reason.
All are regular visitors to my garden... so nothing unusual on the day.

Snow Cat
This little Snow Cat greeted me as I returned home from work yesterday... made by my neighbours children.
It put a big smile on my face... Google "Simon's Cat" it looks just like it.

This is all that remained this morning... so I'm glad I took a picture yesterday.


  1. Incredibly beautiful pictures!

  2. The Blue Tits are beautiful! Glad you were able to complete your count. My daughter loves watching the Simon's cat videos!

  3. Love the snow cat!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. I think that simon's cat has it by a million, good picture for your blog.

  5. I think that is the normal story when it comes to Big Garden Birdwatch Andrew, all the birds disappear! The day before I had 26 Blackbirds in the garden, on the day I did my count 'only' 13! It's almost as if they know! ;)
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  6. I love your snow cat, Andrew!
    He's gorgeous... :)))
    Pity that's he from snow...
    Warm greetings from Holland,

  7. Lovely birds and I, too, love your snow cat, Andrew!! Great shots for the day! Thanks for the smiles!!

  8. Hope the snow cat didn't frighten away the birds before you could count them.

  9. I adore the snow cat... he reminds me of a cartoon cat but I can't put my finger on his name


  10. That snow cat is priceless!

  11. That cat is totally rad! Love the look of the snow.

  12. I need to check out the Simon's Cats videos. I have never heard of them. Beautiful birds. genie

  13. Lovely to do that bird count and I'd be thrilled to have your regular visitors.

    Yes, you've got to catch those snow cats as soon as you see them. Your neighbor kids are quite creative!
