Sunday 20 January 2013

It's snowed.......................................................................... but not very much

This is the first image of the tree I see on my commute with snow in the scene... and to be honest as I'm not a great fan of the white stuff I can wait for a while yet to see deep snow.

 Snow lay on ice in my birdbath... the ice was easy to remove as I changed the water.

The male Blackbird was finding food under the bushes as not all the ground had frozen.

 The feeders were all busy as long as I stayed inside... 
...which was a no brainer with the freezing temperatures.

The feeders are all filled and ready for the week ahead... more of the same is forecast.

Linking to Camera Critters , The Bird D'pot , Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Let's wish for no more snow. I like your Blackbird pictures, true genius.

  2. It certainly looks cold and yes, do stay inside to get you photographs. The Blackbird is beautiful against the backdrop of snow and I love the opening scene...tranquil~

  3. I could send some if you wish. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada..

  4. I really like the next to last shot of the blackbird.

  5. two of my favorite things in one post - your gorgeous blackbirds and that most perfect tree. :)

  6. Lovely photos of the blackbird-male!

  7. Our feeders have been really busy too in all the snow and icy weather. That Blackbird looks nice and healthy. From Findlay

  8. Oh same here. I was lurking from behind the window what was going on at the bird feeder. All is frozen. We had ice rain. Everything is covered under a thick layer of ice.

    Nice blackbird in your garden! Does he share the seeds with other birds?

  9. Love the tree! The blackbird is even more striking with some snow as a backdrop!

  10. The most beautiful eyes ever!!! Great photos as always. Oh, and I must add that tawny owl post below this is great also.

    Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this weekend. Have a glorious week!

  11. Hi Andrew...Love that tree no matter the season it is always gracious looking!!
    The Blackbird will not getlost in the snow for sure he is very pretty in his black coat!!
    Different see you all with snow in your backyard ..thanks for sharing !!

  12. A beautiful shot of that lone tree as well as the Blackbird.

  13. Pretty blackbird contemplating winter's touch. Beautiful scene and view.

  14. The shiny dark feathers with the bright yellow beak made me smile.

  15. That tree in the first pic is amazing! Really enjoyed your post. :)

  16. Very sweet blackbird's pictures. When it comes to snow, I have enough in my place:)

  17. This male blackbird is a beauty! Wonderful collection of images. Visiting from OWT. :)

  18. Funnily enough, you have about the same amount of snow as I have in my Canadian yard. I bet it's much colder here, though.

  19. Great photo of the blackbird. I would happily share some of that snow just to cool things down a bit here where the heat is so bad.

  20. Pretty snowy scenes, Andrew! Love the blackbird photos.

  21. I dislike the cold too,the blackbird is beautiful,he is so black!that bright orange beak sets him off,thanks for sharing,phyllis

  22. The pattern the little white stuff makes in the soil "makes" your pic!
    Also love the birdbath!

  23. What a lovely sprinkling of snow.

  24. I love that tree, no matter what season.
    The blackbird pictures are so beautiful, and seem to look better with a dusting of snow.

  25. Andrew, could you DM me you email address on FB or twitter as I have a rather exciting invite to send you!

  26. Beautiful shots of the blackbird! What a handsome fellow!

  27. Very nice post! Wonderful shots of the Blackbird! I'm with you - no fan of the cold, white stuff!

  28. For all of their plainness, male blackbirds really are a cracking looking bird!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  29. I really like snow in winter. Haven't seen it in about 14 years though. Wonderful image of your tree with snow in the furrows.
    I've always loved blackbirds and their dawn songs. Great shots Andrew.
