Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Treecreeper.............................................. same wood, same day as the Wren

I managed to capture a Treecreeper with my camcorder a few minutes after the Wren I shared yesterday.

Another lovely little bird to watch as it circles it's way up the tree searching for food.
This clip is even shorter than yesterdays... just 17 seconds and silent.
The Bird D'pot


TexWisGirl said...

cute little guy - love the curved bill.

Bob Bushell said...

Love the Treecreeper, it always astounding, the way that it climbs, precious.

Dina J said...

Such an interesting looking bird. I love him against the green moss. I've never seen one of these before.

barbara l. hale said...

What a sweet looking little bird! Terrific pics. Enjoyed the video too.

Anonymous said...

Notice how he keeps his tailfeathers firm against the tree. Better stability like a tripod.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Great shots..difficult bird to photograph.. Cheers!!!

Sallie (FullTime-LIfe) said...

He's so sweet -- you are great at giving us good looks at these unassuming little birds (I might overlook them and it would be my loss as your photos so beautifully point out).

Nadezda said...

Andrew, a treecreeper is very cute bird! Thanks for video.

Pantherka said...

Andrew, great pictures!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so cute and i see why they are named tree creepers

Hilke Breder said...

Great pics and video, Drew! We have a bird here just like that. I wonder how that happened.

Rose said...

Wonderful capture!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I have only seen a little Brown Tree Creeper once, and your images of your little chap, are really so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, how did you get the Creeper to stand still for 16 seconds???? I have to chuckle, I was gunning for our Brown Creeper all year long! They are not easy birds to shoot.

Pat said...

Great capture!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Adore the name of this cute little one! He certainly creeps around the tree as your video shows!

Brian King said...

Love the creepers! They're such cool little birds and quite shy.

Anni said...

That is one amazing bird. So well camouflaged by nature someone could easily miss seeing it!!

Thanks for linking up this week at the Bird D'Pot!!!