Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Wren............................................................... a lovely little bird to watch

I captured this little clip of a Wren during July last year.

I heard it at first then managed to creep up and squat down with my camcorder just a few feet from where it was perched... I posted a clip back then but this version is only 34 seconds in length.
I hope you enjoy viewing it.

Wild Bird Wednesday


MadSnapper n Beau said...

your camcorder did a great job capturing the sounds. i can even hear water in the background, maybe your fountain? are you still at home or did you get to go back to work yet?

Anonymous said...

The little feller sounds like a camera clicking everytime he squats and stands back up. He's taking pictures of his surroundings and the goofy man with a camcorder.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That little wren is certainly interested in your camera gear!

TexWisGirl said...

adorable little perky things. quite the bobber.

Bob Bushell said...

I love it, old Jenny Wren.


For such a common bird,i find it hard to get close to get a good shot. good clip,your so lucky.

LindyLouMac said...

We have been lucky enough to have a wren in our garden here in Italy.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful...it definitely got a big smile from me.

Brian King said...

Nice video, Andrew! It looks very much like our wrens here.

holdingmoments said...

Lovely little birds. Nice clip Andrew.

Phil Slade said...

Good clip Andrew. It immediately reminded me how a Wren is related to a Dipper.

mick said...

Beautiful bird and a great piece of video.

Findlay Wilde said...

A great video. I can't believe how close you got to it. From Findlay

Carletta said...

Very much enjoyed this little video Andrew!

Kerri Farley said...

I LOVE Wrens! Cool viddy!

Wally Jones said...

Very nice capture! That's a really active wren. Beautiful!

Ingrid Ormestad said...

Your video is super, Andrew. A beautiful little bird. :)

Michelle said...

Thank you for taking the time to post this video. I really enjoyed watching this little fellow.

Gillian Olson said...

A beautiful little bird, love the boobing up and down. Great capture.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

This little boy is scolding you for being so close to his territory ... they are amazingly fiesty for such little birds and hard workers. We have several familis of them every year and it is a battle of territories, but they all seem to manage to raise several young, who then add to the chatter ... But the song of the Wren is wonderful. I am always in awe that such a beatiful song can come out of such a little bird. I enjoyed this ... thank you!

Andrea @ From The Sol

Pat said...

Wrens are so cute. I love the way they bob up and down.

Rose said...

Wrens are my favorite birds of all time...though I truly love most birds. Really enjoyed this.

Neil said...

That is a beautiful wren