Monday, 12 November 2012

The latest bird to visit my garden......................... Great Spotted Woodpecker

I have had a new visitor to my garden... a Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Unfortunately by the time I had grabbed my camera it had flown.

I kept watch over the garden to see if it returned but gave up after half an hour... so no record shot.
The images below were taken during a walk in my local woodlands.

Beautiful birds to see and here's hoping I may see and photograph another in my garden one day.

Linking to Our World Tuesday and  Wild Bird Wednesday


Gary Jones said...

never mind Andrew he/she will be back!! but love the shots you posted.

eileeninmd said...

Cool looking woodie, great shots!

The Herald said...

A great addition to your garden list Andrew. You'll have to be quicker with the camera next time!!

And two great shots as a consolation!...[;o) said...

Beautiful woodpecker,Andrew,never mind,he`ll be back to visit your home again!phyllis

Nadezda said...

Andrew, a woodpecker is very cautious bird and it's difficult to take its photo.So yours are nice, a woodpecker looks very busy.

Joop Zand said...

Very nice shots of this red woodpecker.... good photographed Andrew.

Greetings, Joop

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this one is a little different than ours here. cute little guy

TexWisGirl said...

really gorgeous bird!

barbara l. hale said...

I find it so interesting that the birds are so similar but there might be one little difference in them from your place to ours. This reminds me of our Downy or Hairy Woodpecker except that the red is on the back of the males head and not down below like that.

Anonymous said...

I like the coloration of this species of woodpecker. Well really, all woodpeckers are striking.

holdingmoments said...

He'll be back.
These two are pretty impressive though. :-)

genie said...

What fabulous captures. Give yourself a pat on the back. Your photos leave nothing to the is all there. beautiful. genie

Horst in Edmonton said...

Wonderful birds they are. Great photos.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Ohhh!!! Just beautiful.. Great shots... congrat..

Brian King said...

I'm glad you at least got to see it in your garden! It's a beautiful woodpecker. I bet it'll return.

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh, too bad you missed taking a photo of the one in your garden. But hey! I bet it will be back.

Photo Cache said...

what a gorgeous bird.

Bob Bushell said...

Sorry about your Woodpecker, he'll be back. Lovely images.

Samson said...

great shots

Fun60 said...

They are such beautiful birds. Lucky you to have one visiting your garden.

Pantherka said...

Very beautiful shots.

Michelle said...

I do like his dashing red spot.

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely stunning! I so hope he returns to your garden for you and for see your great photos of him!!!

Modesto Viegas said...

Nice woodpecker shots!!!

Larry said...

I have loved this woodie since seeing the first photo of it a few years ago. I hope to see it in person someday Andrew. You are a lucky man to view it in your yard!

Carletta said...

What a sweet looking little bird!
It reminds me of our Downey Woodpeckers. I hope you get to see it in your own yard again Andrew.

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by today from Our World Tuesday, hope he comes back and stays long enough for you to get some photos. These are great though.

Carole M. said...

beautiful captures of this spectacular bird Andrew. Hopefully another day he will return to your garden for another chance at it on home turf ....


you will get him one day and it will be a great photo.


Frostbite and Sunburn said...

Ooh, he's a beauty, no matter where he was shot. I'm sure your new one will return soon.

mick said...

Great photos of a beautiful bird.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

He's a little beauty Andrew, very vibrant spot of red plumage there.

Kerri Farley said...

Truly a beautiful bird!

Anni said...

...the trials and tribulations of birders. I must admit that I've done the very same thing. And as with you, to no avail.

Your photos are, however, super!!!

Hope you can find a bit of time today to stop by and visit to view my collection of feathered friends this week!!

Pat said...

Beautiful bird!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a beautiful bird!!!

Wolfgang said...

A wonderful bird and good captures!

Stewart M said...

GWP are a fine garden bird! I really like their contact / alarm call - when you hear it you know that there is something good about!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M - Australia

Rose said...

Oh, it is a beautiful, beautiful bird!

Anonymous said...

Delightful shots of your visitors.

Liz said...

Lovely shots Andrew! Another bird I am never likely to experience!