Thursday, 15 November 2012

Badgers................................................................ wonderful animals to watch

Another short version of a video clip I have shared before... this one is of my local Badgers.

It's only 32 seconds in length and was a first for me when I videoed them last year.
I am planning to do a lot more video during the next 12 months... as long as I can get the wildlife to cooperate.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

This guy sure did cooperate! He's so darn cute. Thanks for sharing...look forward to more videos!

TexWisGirl said...

your govt was going to kill them, weren't they? to eradicate some disease they carried?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

be still my heart, i have never seen one and am sooooo jealous.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Badgers, who could want and hurt them at all, they are lovely, I will be on the Badgers side.

Heather Wilde said...

Lovely animals, we used to get them in the garden when lived at the bottom of Frodsham hill x

Brian King said...

Nice video, Andrew! Your badgers are different from the ones I'm accustomed to seeing. I like the coloration!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Fantastic video.. I love this animal.. Congrat..

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant video Andrew. I have never seen a badger in the wild.

Anonymous said...

I too want to be doing more video in the coming months. I don't have anything as unique as your badger though. May have to settle for plants.

Michelle said...

Interesting to see this badger!

Findlay Wilde said...

They are lovely animals Andrew. From Findlay

Nadezda said...

Andrew, nice video! I have never see the badgers before in nature, only on zoo. Thanks for sharing!

Outdoor Dog's Blog said...

Yes please, more badger cam! Thank you for sharing.
- A subscriber from a small town in NW USA (Sequim, WA.)