Tuesday 16 October 2012

You learn from your mistakes..........................................................................

Just over a week ago a pair of Nuthatches visited my garden feeder.

 They were only after the Black Sunflower seeds tossing aside all the rest to the ground below.

Mistake No.1 Don't fill the feeders with just sunflower seeds.
I refilled the feeder at the weekend with sunflower seeds and the first of my two mistakes came to light.

All my garden birds love sunflower seeds and now didn't have to wait for them to turn up in the mix.
Images like the one above became the norm as it was in grab a seed and off... no choosing to make.

Mistake No.2 Don't fill the feeder with just sunflower seeds... squirrels love them to.

 I woke up this morning to see the bottle feeder empty and the perches chewed through in three places.

Luckily the perches were still in place and the weight of the birds won't affect it... at the moment.

 My first lesson learnt... don't spoil my garden birds.

The birds will have to get used to seeking out their favourite seeds... and remain on the feeder for longer.

My second lesson learnt... never relax when the squirrels are around... (of course you already knew that).


  1. lasted longer than the last ones did. i really like the bird that is flying, it's beautiful

  2. This was the CUTEST post! I enjoyed it very much!

  3. Our birds are the same way. They prefer sunflower seeds. I usually buy mixed seed to put on the ground for doves and sparrows. It goes to waste in the feeders. I'm surprised your feeder lasted this long with the squirrels around!

  4. Some great birds to see on the feeders. Those squirrels are real sods. I've yet to beat them.

  5. We have a metal feeder for sunflower seeds. I cannot believe how smart squirrels can be!

  6. Terrific series of photos! The squirrel always wins in the end.

  7. You need to make him a little swag bag for Christmas, pesky thief!

  8. Not sure about the squirrel, but I love the way Coal Tits in particular just snitch the seeds, fly off with them, hide them, and then come back for another. Nice series

  9. Haha it was just a matter of time Andrew, just a matter of time!!!

  10. Fussy eaters and food robbers at the same feeder! Wow! Great photos.

  11. Looking for the intruder ! ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  12. I love the little nuthatches.I was often tempted to buy just the sunflower seeds-people swear by them,but I have always chose the variety.Suet cakes help so much in bringing the ones who aren`t out for a seed,they want to hoof down a ton of suet.Or should that be woof....phyllis

  13. They got spoiled -- we had one feeder of corn and one of sunflowers! Guess what happened?

  14. You have learnt a bit about which to put out, sunflowers, are the ones that I use; and fat balls. Nice photos.

  15. Cute bird and those darn squirrels! I can not tell you how many of my bird feeders the squirrels have broken.

  16. I doubt if you want to hear this - but I come to look forward to the "crazed squirrel" pictures almost as much as the birds!

    Thanks for linking to WBW

    Stewart M - Australia

    PS: maybe you should start "Wild Squirrel Wednesday" as a companion site to mine!!

  17. Great little birds and oh yes, I know very well the antics of those squirrels;')

  18. A learning post for us all Andrew, thoroughly enjoyable photos too.

  19. Such a enjoyable blogpost! Interesting and funny too! Nice photos of the birds!
    Greetings Pia

  20. Can't trust those rascals!

  21. hahahahah I love the last picture, the one with the squirrel! So funny!
