Saturday, 6 October 2012

Whose using the apple feeder.......................................... other than the birds

I was given this little apple feeder as a gift last Christmas... and it's become a firm favourite with the wildlife.

Cut the skin off the sides of an apple then just pierce it onto the point... the just birds peck away.
But the birds aren't the only visitors to my garden enjoying the apples.


...sunbathing while feeding... (a tenuous link to Shadow Shot Sunday)

...and Smilers becoming a bit of a connoisseur at tasting the offcuts...

...and if nobodies watching making off with his favourite... Pink Lady Apples.

Camera Critters
Shadow Shot Sunday


TexWisGirl said...

love the squirrel, of course. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that apple holder, never seen one before. the squirrels are eating avocadas here

John Going Gently said...

that second photo is delightful

Gemma Wiseman said...

Wonderful series of very cute photos! Love the last one! Great idea about the apple holder!

Carole M. said...

a sweet (tasting) series Drew. Everyone's enjoying their pink-lady apples (including me here on the other side of the world).

Pat said...

I like the apple feeder. It's a great snack for the squirrel and bee.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a great treat. so neat. (:

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love squirrel's bushy tail!

Hopping here from Camera Critters
Have a great weekend!

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photographs, such views are enrapturing. I am greeting

Leah said...

What a great little gadget.
I am sure that it would be easy to rig up your own apple feeder (that's what I always me cheap)
Great shots.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Greedy little squirrel!

Saguaro Shadows