Friday, 5 October 2012

Back to the bottle feeder...................................................... for species No. 5

I wasn't going to show any more images of birds on this feeder... but then a new bird tuned up for a go.
Two in fact... Nuthatches and only the third and fourth I have seen in the garden.

 I wasn't prepared to see them and hoped they would still be around as I got my act together.

I needn't have worried...they were on and off the feeders for over 20 minutes... me plenty of time to take pictures and just enjoy watching them feeding.

A bit fussy they were... scooping seeds out of the feeder seeking out the black sunflower seeds.

Just as bad as the Tit's

By the time they had finished most of the other seeds were on the ground...

...much to the delight of this little fella... little garden Woodmouse.

The Bird D'pot


ADRIAN said...

That's the Nuthatch for you! I filled a separate feeder with sunflower just for them. Waste of time. They still empty the mixed seed as well. At least with your feeder you get to see them the right way up.

TexWisGirl said...

the nuthatches are really cute, but i love that little wood mouse.

Anonymous said...

I have a tray for sunflower seed eaters alone. Love your mouse. Have you given him a name? Woody?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your little mousekins are just so cute, they would make a good pet for someone who is not allowed pets where they live.

DeniseinVA said...

I did enjoy all these photos of your tiny visitors. My chipmunk is about as close to a mouse. I haven't seen a mouse out there yet, though they must be around.

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant Nuthatch photos and the Woodmouse, superb.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful shots of this lovely bird -- and the mouse looks like something out of Beatrix Potter!

Carole M. said...

beautiful shots you got; a lovely bird

Michelle said...

Nice bird shots, but that little mouse is too sweet. Never thought I would say that about a mouse.

Hilke Breder said...

Your bottle feeder seems to be holding up well, Drew. I love your shots of the little nuthatch; it looks exactly like our red-breasted nuthatches. We have one that makes quick visits to our feeder and,like a thief,takes one seed at a time.

Pat said...

I love to watch the nuthatches here. They make the cutest little sound. Your little woodmouse is adorable.

Adam Jones said...

I never tire of seeing the Nuthatch Andrew. Smashing shots on the feeder.