Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Someone's not quite got the hang of this yet...................................................

This little Blue Tit hasn't worked out how to use my bottle feeder...

...either that or it has it's eye on one special seed.

 Apologies for the "poop" shot at the end...
...I'll bet you watch the full 31 seconds now... the whole episode put a big smile on my face.


The Herald said...

Andrew, I think it needs to enlist the help of 'Mr Squirrel' to get to that seed!!...[;o)

Anonymous said...

Loved this...poop shot and all! LOL

Sharon Whitley said...

haha they're such characters, love it!

TexWisGirl said...

hey, sometimes we'll beat ourselves up over something we want but can't have. :)

Findlay Wilde said...

You need to put an arrow on the bottle pointing down to the seed.

Anonymous said...

Yep, at the end he told you what he thought of your new bottle feeder didn't he?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OR it could be a woodpecker in training?

Bob Bushell said...

It is a big achievement, to get some seeds out. Love the video.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i bet his brain hurts. ouch. wonder what he thinks? ha. ha!! (:

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Awwww. He's adorable -- right through to the "end" product! I love this little bird. He reminds me a bit of the chickadees we used to feed -- I always thought they spent more calories than they ever took in.

Magia da Inês said...

Muito lindo!
Ótima quinta-feira!

Brian King said...

LOL! Funny video footage, Andrew! He'll get the hang of it!

Gary Jones said...

The poop was obviously to tell you what he thought of your new feeder!!