Tuesday, 2 October 2012

A Great Tit's review..................................................................... of my feeder

New bird on the bottle feeder... a Great Tit... closely followed by the regular Coal and Blue Tit's.

Mmmm... it all looks nice and fresh...

...and piled pretty high...

...with plenty of choice for all.

 I've been coming here for a couple of weeks now...

...and the feeders been a lovely addition to the garden... and so far it's been squirrel proof.

What was that noise over there?

I didn't hear anything... but I saw something move by the shed.

I hope we didn't speak too soon about the squirrel... better make the most of this food while we can.

 I have a plan... now if I can just build a zip line over............................

I still have my leg up and am so bored... can you tell?

Wild Bird Wednesday


Brian King said...

The Great Tit is a handsome bird! I like the stripe that runs the full length of their body. Nice shots! Glad the feeder is holding up!

TexWisGirl said...

the birds are beautiful. glad that feeder is working out well!

EG CameraGirl said...

Such pretty birds. Your captions are perfect for the looks on the birds' faces. I do hope the squirrel doesn't learn to help itself to the seed!

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely Tits feeding on the squirrel proof, ah, I feel quite a little bit upset, nothing to eat!!!!!

Carletta said...

This wasn't boring at all Andrew. I enjoyed the photo essay. The birds are lovely and squirrels appeal to me and you captured a really cute pose of this guy.
Sorry the leg is still troubling you.
You aren't spoiling Arthur too awfully much are you?

Phil Slade said...

A battle of wits coming up Andrew? Good shots.

Findlay Wilde said...

That squirrel has a very sneaky look on his face. From Findlay

Adam Jones said...

Ha ha. They will find a way. Make no mistake, the squirrel will win.

NatureFootstep said...

the great tit is the most common ones where I live. We don´t see teh coal tit that much. Yours have much colors on it´s belly. :)

mick said...

A great series of photos. The birds are so cute looking around like that.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Enjoyed the photos and captions!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots...except for the tree rat.

Hootin Anni said...

Okay....I certainly won't comment on the blog post title, tho I'm 'dying here' to say something. LOLOLOL

Beautiful tits!! Okay...that's close enough before I put my keyboard in my mouth and get into trouble.

eileeninmd said...

Cute captions and birds. Good luck keeping the squirrels away.

Carole M. said...

oh the bird is delightful, but the squirrel looks very deflated now. I guess he'll move on somewhere else ...do what you have to do for your knee Drew, take care.

Gillena Cox said...

beautiful photos

much love...

Adam Tilt said...

Glad to see the feeder is still a success Andrew.

Sharon Whitley said...

What a handsome Great Tit, love the story - and very impressed with the survival of the bottle feeder - it's lasted a lot longer than you expected! I do feel for you having the bad leg - I'd be going stir crazy!

Pat said...

Adorable little birds to keep you entertained. That squirrel looks like he has something in mind.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful bird. I very much liked second and third shot.

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show the blue tit .... and not least the little squirrel :)

Stewart M said...

Nice set of pictures - I think I see if I can find those bottle feeders here.

I'm sure that squirrel has something bad in mind!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW!

Stewart M - Australia

Pantherka said...

Beautiful series of photos Andrew.

one big creative mess said...

Great shots and funny story. :)

Gillian Olson said...

You made me laugh Andrew. Great series, I can almost hear that squirrel plotting from here. :)

Jerry said...

You always make me smile Andrew.

Red Nomad OZ said...

No squirrels downunder - but I reckon our possums would give that zipline a red hot go!!!