Tuesday 9 October 2012

Out with the plastic......................................................... and in with the wood

OK not quite true as I still have the bottle feeder filled and getting loads of attention from the birds.
The squirrels have either given up or have taken their vandalism elsewhere.

"That feeder looks new"

I have made myself a feeder from an old log... (see yesterdays post) and it's already a success.
I didn't manage to capture Long-tailed Tits on the bottle feeder although I did see one have a short visit.
Well yesterday they gave the log feeder their approval.

That's 6 species seen with 5 photographed on the plastic bottle... and 3 already on the log.

This time I had the camera to hand.

 So far the Blue Tit's are on the log in good numbers and the Coal Tit's have given it a try.
It certainly looks better then plastic for images... Log version II is in the planning stage.


  1. Can you send some of those Long Tailed Tits my way please?

  2. You could be an inventor. From Findlay

  3. Awesome Feeder, will have to try something like that. Have a great week.

  4. Nice pics Andrew, very innovative that log feeder!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  5. innovative and glad it's gotten the avian seal of approval!

  6. Good job, Andrew, The wood looks way more natural.

  7. Andrew, what a great idea and the images are wonderful too!

  8. Great idea, I have even seen similar feeder sold in some of more expensive bird feed stores. Your birds are cute, great photos.

  9. My goodness-- such long tails! I like the rustic look of the log feeder, and they see to as well.

  10. Great photos of the new log feeder and I am glad the birds have already approved it!

  11. I like the log feeder you made! Really cool and obviously the birds like it, too! Plus, the natural materials look nice.

  12. What beautiful birds you have at your feeders, and way to go keeping one step ahead of that squirrel.

  13. Andrew amazing, beautiful photos.

  14. The log is a great way to introduce food a little more naturally, did the same a few years ago and you've certainly prompted me to try again, great pictures Andrew.

  15. Hi Andrew...My goodness I used to do that years ago..I may try that again...I used a cedar log much lighter wood , and I melted the suet and poured it in, so they had to work harder to get it : } and it didn't break up and fall out so much!!
    Good luck ..I think the birds like the natural feel instead of plastic,but they don't seem to care as long as it is food! ; }

  16. The log feeder seems to be quite an attraction!

  17. OK ... I'm reading a bunch of posts all at once, so my question on the other comment (about the twig perches) has been answered. Again, a wonderful idea. I love it.

  18. Great work Andrew! And success in more ways than one!
