Friday 7 September 2012

The Early Bird captures the Worm................................................. well almost

I captured my little baby Robin through the window a couple of days ago... showing off it's new coat.
This morning it was out strutting it's stuff's so confident.

As I was waiting for the kettle to boil to make a cup of tea I spotted it having a look around my patio.

 I still had the camera by the window and watched as it had a look around my rose bush.
This is a shot I dream of taking in focus... I almost made it a few weeks ago with a Blackbird.

The early bird catches the worm... in pin sharp focus...

Maybe one day... fantastic to watch though.
By the way the Robin gave up... No worms were hurt in the making of this post.


  1. Great sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. It's a lovely wee bird!
    have a great weekend:)

  3. Awesome sequence. Such a cute little bird.

  4. They are so clear! Great photos!

  5. ...made me smile; I guess the little robin knows what to do obviously, but hasn't quite got the strength. It will happen! Hope you're about to record the successful event Drew

  6. 彡♡` Olá, amigo!

    Bela série de imagens!

    Bom fim de semana!
    Brasil ♡彡.

  7. That's awesome! It's like a tug of war. I never would have guessed the worm would win. Awesome photos, Andrew!

  8. big worm for a small and very cute bird. great shots
