Saturday 8 September 2012

Robin is sharing the hole in my fence..............................................................

A few weeks ago I posted about the Robin using a hole in my fence as it's door to my garden.

It's lovely to watch it come and go...

 ...and now the Dunnocks are joining in.

I suppose it saves them flying up a foot or so higher to clear the fence.
I really do need to mend it soon... or should I wait to see whose next?


  1. it would almost be a shame to block up their access now; I think I'd let sleeping dogs lie ....

  2. Adorable pictures!

  3. I'd leave the hole in the fence, it is like pulling something out of a magician's hat, you never know quite what might appear!

  4. Great shots. I'd wait to see who comes next to the handy little door.

  5. Hi Andrew..That is so darn cute...I think I wouldn't have the heart to mend it, after seeing those little birdie's appear through it,but I also know about the upkeep of property ; }!
    Hope you have a pleasant weekend!

  6. That makes a nice little gateway for your birds to go back and forth. Sweet little things!

  7. So cute Andrew! I think I'd leave the hole.
    The detail you captured of the feathers is amazing.

  8. I would leave the hole there, they seem to like using it as an entrance and exit. Great shots, I love the cute robin.

  9. Great images Andrew....but, I'm wondering just what the pink object is that the robin brought in.

  10. Very neat. It makes you wonder where her nest is.

  11. This is so entertaining! I'd leave the hole until I saw something I didn't like come through.

  12. Your little Robin is so lovely!

  13. I suggest you keep it the way it is. This way you get individual photos of the birds that use the whole.

  14. How very adorable! Now that hole in your fence makes a great stage for your feathered friends.:)

  15. I think I'd leave it, too! It's a little bird door! It's funny how they come and go through that little hole.

  16. Cool captures. Late visit from Camera Critters. Your visit at
    Pets & Critters Nook will be greatly appreciated.

  17. Shades of 'The Secret Garden'. Don't mend your fence, they probably feel safer slipping through rather than being exposed on the top of the fence to see who is about. Apart from that, they look so charming sneaking into your territory.

  18. Hope you didn't mend the fence; your visitors are too cute. I love the robins you have there--would love to see one someday.
