Saturday 1 September 2012

More on Moore Nature Reserve......................................................... the place

I shared a view from one of the hides at Moore Nature Reserve the other day after spending a few hours wandering around it's many bird hides... here's a bit more info about the place itself.
Moore N.R. is just over 10 miles from my home and sits alongside the Manchester Ship Canal between Warrington and Runcorn.

Lapwing Lake.
It's 200 acres of woodland, meadows, lakes and ponds and home to all five species of owl and all three woodpeckers native to the UK.

Fiddlers Ferry Power Station seen from the hide next to the old canal bed.

This path runs along the bed of the the disused Latchford Canal which fell victim to the much larger Manchester Ship Canal.

Gulls a plenty over the adjacent landfill site.
The reserve is managed by wardens employed by the operator of the nearby Arpley Landfill site.
The landfill is being restored to a mix of woodland and grassland and together with Moore Nature Reserve will eventually provide an important amenity on the edge of a busy and growing urban area.

The view from the Canal Bed Hide over Lapwing Lake to Sedge Hide on the far side.

The sun was beginning to break through as I reached Birchwood Pool and below the hide I saw this juvenile Moorhen feeding amongst the weed.

Birchwood Pools West Hide from the  Birch Strip Hide.

As well as Moorhens I saw Mute Swans plenty of Coots, Little Grebes, Mallards plus a single Heron...

...Canada Geese were in good numbers all along the edge of the island and in the water.

A stroll through Birch Wood brought me to Pump House Pool my third lake of the day.

A view of Pump House Pool from the hide at the western end... there is another larger hide on the far side.
I have had good views of Kingfishers fishing here in the past.
Beyond this pool are a couple more... the farthest is named Eastern Reedbed... it's popular with Bitterns during the winter months.

I saw quite a few dragonflies during my walk but could only capture this little Azure Damselfly.

The view from Birchwood Pools East Hide and a bit of blue sky and sunshine breaking through the clouds.
It's a nice place to visit... especially during the week when you can have the place almost to yourself.

Your Sunday Best


  1. Very nice - is Birchwood Pool actually in or near Birchwood (Warrington)? I've not heard of it?

  2. These are beautiful!! I love the little Moorhen. Checking in from your Sunday Best.

  3. at least the little moorhen has feathers on its head! :) the young coots are always so darn ugly! :)

    nice place!

  4. I love the scenery and the swan! :)

  5. Wow! Fantastic photography of Nature's blessings ~ Love the juvenile bird and swan shot was awesome ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Looks like my kind of place Andrew.

  7. Love the forest of birch -- I expected to see Robin Hood peeking from behind one of the trees. :)

  8. A beautiful place. I love the trail through the Birch Wood.

  9. The Birch Wood forest is beautiful! I would love to take a walk through there.

  10. Wonderful photos and I love that swan. We had 2 in a town over. Now I will have to go and check to see if they are still around!

  11. Looks a superb place to spend a day.

  12. Amazing photos. You have captured some very beautiful scenes. I especially like the last shot with the clouds over the water. Beautiful!
    Happy Sunday!

  13. That's a beautiful place to walk and photograph wildlife. I like that you have hides to use. We don't have things like that here.

  14. All the Owls and Woodpeckers? I think I'd be there a great deal!

    What a splendid looking place.

    Stewart M - Australia
