Friday 31 August 2012

Two new wild species in the garden................... one welcome the other NOT!

I have just had two new visitors to my garden... both just passing through.
 One would be welcomed back with open arms... the other not so.

Nuthatch ((Sitta europaea)
I heard it's call before I saw it on my feeders... by the time I had grabbed my camera it had flown...

...luckily for me it was back quite quickly only this time on the ground near my patio.

I managed to capture a few record shots through the window before it was off...this time without returning.

My other visitor arrived while I was having a coffee with a friend who asked me...
 "is that the mouse you sometimes see in your garden?"

"No!... I replied that's about five times the size... it's a rat!!!"

Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
I have lived here for over seven years and this was the first (and hopefully the last) I have seen.

It was helping it'self to some food I had put out for the birds then dashing off under my shed for cover.

It stayed for about 15 minutes (giving me time to take a few pics) then it disappeared.
I have checked for signs of it in my shed but nothing so hopefully just another passer by enjoying my garden.

The locals seemed unimpressed.

Camera Critters


  1. I hope a Nuthatch passes through our garden one day soon, but not Roland rat. From Findlay

  2. right now the rat is gathering all of his friends, telling them what a GREAT new hangout he's found. :)

    love the robin, of course, and the nuthatch, too. see them very rarely around here.

  3. Don't want to worry you but under garden sheds is a favourite nesting place for your foor-footed friend...

  4. that is most definitely a rat and they will most definitely have babies and chew up everything in sight including wires and even in your car under the hood. we fight them every time it rains, never see them until a rain storm they they appear in our garage, and hubby sets the traps. i must say though he is handsome and the birds are beautiful

  5. nice to have the nuthatch coming back, and I adore the robin. I've a feeling that rattus resides nearby, perhaps a tunnel under the shed, what a hassle. While there's food nearby you can be sure rattus will return too

  6. I think the rat is badly done, they have no habits, expecting us. I love the Nuthatch and the Robin.

  7. Poor little ratty! Only making the most of what we leave behind, but I have to agree, not overly welcome in a garden. Great to have a Nuthatch in your garden Andrew, we had one once, about 2 years ago, not seen again!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  8. Well Andrew, I think the rat is a part of the nature that passes your garden sometimes. Anyway - nice with visitors of different kind, is not?

  9. ♡✿彡╮

    Fotos magníficas!
    Bom fim de semana!

  10. I do love your little robin. We had to endure the winter without even a glimpse of one. Delightful nuthatch, wouldn't mind a visit from one myself, although rats we have in plenty. Not the Nortuswegian type, just Rattus rattus.

  11. The nuthatch is really nice with the blue back and black eye stripe! I wish I could say the same for the rat, but I guess rats gotta eat, too. I'm sure you'd prefer they not eat in your garden.

  12. I don't like rats- brrr, they are scary creatures and definitely wouldn't like to see them in my garden! The nuthatch is superb! They sometimes come to visit us:)

  13. Lovely, sprite little the rat...hmm, not so pretty, yet very interesting~

  14. Wonderful White-breasted Nuthatch! It's a welcome visitor on my feeder too. But a rat :-( they have good memory and know where the food was good and plentiful.

  15. Oh yuk! My mother used to put food out for the birds but was advised never to put it on the ground as it does attract rats! I think you need to build a bird table. :)

  16. Oh no! I had a rat problem twice, which resulted in my having to move my feeders to the outer most part of my backyard. I'd keep checking for evidence of rats for awhile if I were you. They are smart, crafty and extremely destructive. I hope it was only passing by.

  17. I do hope you get rid of the rat?? even it looks nice to me - but.. yewww... splendid work!!

  18. The Nuthatch is a beauty! Let's hope the rat finds another place to hang out!

  19. Fantastic captures, even the unwelcome visitor is quite a looker!

  20. Great shots Andrew, of the birds and the rat. Hope your rodent doesn't hang around too long but this was a real nice photo opportunity.

  21. Rats and mice get no respect. :)

    Your nuthatch is more colorful than ours, but they are both lovely birds.

  22. Beautiful captures.

    Hopping by from Camera Critters.
    Flowers and Butterfly

  23. Ah well as far as rats go he's quite a handsome little chappy but yes rather he stay away thank you very much! Lucky you to get the nuthatch - fabulous birds and cute little robin, I'm starting to get birds into my new garden - only sparrows and starlings but hoards of them!!!! Hopefully the winter will bring in some more visitors

  24. Here's to more nuthatches and fewer rats (none).!~ The little nuthatch is truly a delight.
