Saturday, 29 September 2012

Bird Watching Magazine................................... publish my tale of the Ravens

I received a request from Bird Watching magazine a few of weeks go about the pictures I captured of the Ravens at Llandudno when I uploaded a couple of the images to their Facebook page.

They asked me to send them some details about the images saying it might make a good story.

I emailed the details and sent a dozen or so images then forgot all about it.

I bought Octobers issue yesterday and was delighted to see the two images above in print.

They were on the "Your Bird Letters" page with the full story of how I had encountered the Ravens after a small boy had thrown sand into the air which had covered my face and the camera forcing me to return to the car to carefully clean away the wet sand.

If you don't know the tale I then put some broken biscuits onto the wall alongside the car to try and capture the Jackdaws that were nearby.

The Jackdaws were closely followed by Herring Gulls which were then seen off by the Ravens...
... wonderful birds to see up close.
They have edited down my story quite a bit it's all factually correct... would probably have required a full page otherwise.

The Bird D'Pot
Camera Critters


TexWisGirl said...

that is just AWESOME, andrew! this is the 2nd or 3rd time you've been published, now! :)

barbara l. hale said...

Those pictures are fantastic!! Corvids are my favorites and you have captured them beautifully!!

Bob Bushell said...

Congrats Andrew.

Wiesław Zięba said...

Congratulations. Amazing thing.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Amazing photos and congrats on being published.

Carletta said...

Many congrats!
The photos are awesome!!!

Hope that leg gets all better soon.

Pat said...

Congratulations Andrew! No wonder they used them - those closeups are awesome!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew..These are fabulous photo's, I remember them from a post you isn't any wonder they used them , they are wonderful!!

genie said...

Congratulations...Your pictures are certainly deserving of being published. Know you were tickled to find them in the magazine. The looks on their faces are so intense. genie

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, congratulations Andrew! Those are gorgeous captures!

Have a great weekend.

DeniseinVA said...

That's great, congratulations Andrew. The photos are superb!

Anonymous said...

That is cool! I can see why they were interested in those pictures. Well done Andrew.

ADRIAN said...


Indrani said...

Congrats Andrew! I know it feels good and I am so happy for you. :)

Horst in Edmonton said...

Congratulations Andrew, wonderful story.

Brian King said...

That's fantastic, Andrew! Congratulations! You deserve that recognition for those great photos! Not many photographers can say they've been published.

Vores have said...

Congratulations on your article Andrew.
Nice picture you show :)
Wish you a good Sunday :)
Hanne Bente

The Herald said...

Nice one Andrew, congratulations and well done...[;o)

Sharon Whitley said...

brilliant and congratulations, I see a quite a few ravens when out walking, you don't realise how big they are until they perch close to you like one did yesterday up on the Aran ridge, it flew off before it could be photographed though - this is a great capture!

Carole M. said...

now that's a well-kneeded buzz right now Drew :)! Take care and enjoy the fruits of your labours. Seeing yourself in print is a testament to your skills. That was a great idea to put out the biscuit right where you could take a snap like you got. A one-off I'd say; well done.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations -these are fabulous shots!

eileeninmd said...

Great shots, Andrew! Congrats!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so now I know a published photographer. congratulations and they are amazing photos with so much detail.

Adam Tilt said...

Congratulations Andrew on getting published again. It's getting to be a habit this.

Modesto Viegas said...

Great photos!

Adam Jones said...

Great stuff Andrew. I'll take a closer look at that issue. Great shots too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The photos are great, so it's easy to see why they would want to publish them.

Anni said...

Well now....I must also add my congratulations from all us bloggers. How truly wonderful....and as before, I said, I'd love to see a raven. Your photos are stupendous. I can see why you were chosen.

Sorry I'm so late this week getting around to view your bird shares and checking out the Bird D'Pots linkies!!! The computer of mine is now running a lot smoother to where I can actually get out and browse photos!!!

Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this past weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Congratulations! I love blogging -- where else am I going to get to know a published professional bird photographer! Wow -- you deserve to have those published that's for sure.