Friday, 28 September 2012

A little bit of sunshine today....................................................... just a little bit

I am still sat with my leg up... it's been a quite a few weeks of pain and it's really getting me down.
Apparently I have to be patient and let time heal me... I'm so frustrated.

At least the sun was out for a while... and the Robin made the most of it.

My roses are starting to fade.
I've been playing with my cameras inbuilt filter effects... I am bored can you tell?

The bottle feeder has been up for over a week and is still going strong... it might just be too long slippery for the squirrel to grab a hold... I probably shouldn't temp fate.

It's become a popular place to meet up...

...and I have never seen Coal Tit's this often.
It turning out to be a good feeder... I might just get another one.


Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant feeder. What did you do with your leg?

Anonymous said...

Make the best use of your laid-up your camera manual and learn things you didn't now. :)

Giga said...

Życzę,żeby noga już przestała boleć. Podajnik bardzo pomysłowy i podoba się ptakom.Mnie się podobają zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.
I wish to have longer legs hurt. Feeder very creative and like to be like ptakom.Mnie pictures. Yours.

Michelle said...

Very crisp capture of this Coal Tit.

Nancy said...

You made the feeder look like a 70s disco ball -- I'm sure that's why the birds love it so much. :)

Gillian Olson said...

Love the star effect and all the little birds. I am sorry to hear that your knee is still painful, it sure isn't easy sitting still when you are used to being out and about. Take care.

Magia da Inês said...


Será que um dia vou conseguir algumas fotos tão belas? É muito difícil... eles se mexem sem parar!...
Bom fim de semana!

Pantherka said...

Beautiful photos Andrew.
I'm sure you will soon feel better.

genie said...

I can definitely empathize with you. Because of my back condition and the spasms, I end up spending way too much time flat on my back in the bed. The sofa will not work.I know that feel on ongoing boredom. I, too, play with the camera but mostly I surf the net reading about ways to use the iPhone. Hope you are up and about soon without so much discomfort. Your pictures are beautiful genie