Sunday 12 August 2012

The tree on Cann Lane.................................................... and a walk around it

 As I was updating my images of the tree I see during my commute I noticed the gate into the field was open.

The harvest had begun... but it hadn't reached my view from the road.
The track took me straight towards my target... the tree on the right.

A different crop was growing behind the tree than the one I could see from the gap in the hedge.

Looking back down the track.

This is the view from the tree... with my back against it...

...then looking further along the track

I have decided the view I share from the lane is it's best... a big scar down trunk from this angle.

Heading back to the lane.

The two images above were the first I took last November... it was hanging onto it's leaves.
I am thinking I may have to record it all again next year... by the way it's an Oak.

I hope you have all enjoyed the Olympic Games... I am feeling so proud at our efforts.
Enjoy the closing ceremony tonight.

Your Sunday Best
Life in Pictures


  1. it is absolutely spectacular! what a wonderful piece of nature!

  2. Beautiful are the dirt roads and single trees. Nice pictures.

  3. I love the form of that wonderful Oak tree. Good eye!

  4. It's a beautiful tree. Nice to see it from all angles. I love the first pic with the curve in the path.

  5. Bob (I went ahead and gave the tree a name) looks good from all angles. The big scar gives Bob character. Wonderful post and I'm glad you got to get up close and personal with Bob. Enjoy your closing festivities Andrew.

  6. Hi Andrew...Angle and position have everything to do with how we view and how you have used this tree to do that ! It is a fantastic
    photo friendly tree : }
    Love those golden fields to!!

  7. I was going to ask what kind of tree it was, glad you mentioned it. Looking like a bountiful property for the farmer keeps it looking healthy and productive. Isn't it amazing how our camera will make us do something we wouldn't consider otherwise. It drives us! A tree? Someone else would drive past that a million times and never see it; glad you did.

  8. Beautiful photos! The Olympics were excellent....I'm sad they are ending already. Watching the closing right now.

  9. what gorgeous photos...makes me see things I do not know if I would have noticed....
    my kids were glued to the is fun to watch and cheer for our country!!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  10. It's cool to see the tree from different angles! The fields around it are beautiful! I hope it's there for many years to come.

  11. Wonderful series. I think it's neat that you have a favorite tree!

  12. I enjoy your blog very much!

  13. The Olympic Games were indeed very good. Great photos of a very photogenic Oak!

  14. Love all the different angles you captured. And yes, the games were wonderful and I really enjoyed the closing!

  15. I think I would recognize that wonderful tree from any angle, it looks as if it is doing a dance with its "arms" raised gracefully.
