Tuesday 28 August 2012

Rhos-on-Sea................................................................... walking the seashore

My first stop on my recent trip into North Wales was to have a walk around Rhos-on-Sea.

I parked on the promenade and stretched my legs with a stroll along the beach.
It was almost deserted.

The seaside resort of Rhos-on-Sea lay across the bay from the section of beach I was walking...
...birds seen along the shoreline included Oystercatchers and Cormorants...

...and plenty of Herring Gulls including this juvenile.

I then drove round to Rhos-on-Sea itself... parking alongside the small harbour.

At the end of the sea wall I watched a lone Cormorant successfully diving for fish...

...unsuccessfully capturing the moment with my camera.

Easier to capture were a few people digging for shellfish or crabbing from the small jetty.

On my way for an ice cream I spotted a couple of Ringed Plovers foraging in the mud while the tide was out.

This little Pied Wagtail was waiting to greet me back at the car... the discarded beer can is now in the bin.
My parking spot was the ideal place to watch the waders as the incoming tide brought them closer.

I had my binoculars plus my spotting scope which helped pick out birds I couldn't see with the naked eye.
A few more Ringed Plovers (above)...

...and Turnstones, along with half a dozen Redshanks a single Curlew, quite a few Sandwich Terns.
 Then a pleasant surprise.

A Little Egret...

...amongst the gulls and Oystercatchers.

A short drive to the Little Orme for a walk to Angel Bay to see if I could spot any seals brought no reward.
The Little Orme is a favourite place of Mike of  Diaries of a Cheshire Wildlife Watcher and his brother Ryan who both  live not far from me... I only had a short visit but I could see the attraction.
My next stop was Llandudno then onto Conwy both of which I have already shared...
...scroll down a few posts to catch up if you missed them.
Next stop Chester on my way home... and a close encounter with squirrels.

Wild Bird Wednesday
Nature Notes


  1. Some lovely shots Andrew. I love how you captured the young herring gull in flight. Great shot!

  2. Hi Andrew!
    Very nice pictures and interesting to see how it looks like where you're from. We don't have tide here in Sweden.
    I also want to see an egret sometimes! It looks so small!
    Greetings Pia

  3. A lovely time was had by all by the looks of it- great wildlife on the shore there.

  4. Wonderful images, I liked the shot of low flying gull.

  5. What a wonderful day's journey you've taken us on this week. So many great birds...

    My favorites this week, are the Herring Gull and the Pied Wagtail!!!

  6. I always forget what it looks like when the tide is out. Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Lovely seaside images and the birds were fun to see. Thanks Andrew.

  8. I am in North Wales later this week at grandmas house, so I will get her to take us here for a visit. Hope I get to see all these birds. From Findlay

  9. What a wonderful place to see birds. I live about 1 thousand kilometers from the Pacific Ocean.

  10. i liked the little boats and the cormorant shot with his wings drying. nice place to visit!

  11. A great series of photos and a very interesting place to visit. The last photo is especially beautiful.

  12. What a good day you have had, and the birds, wow, I wish I'd been there. Beautiful photos.

  13. Wonderful series of shots! I particularly like the pic of the Herring Gull.

  14. It's always nice when places like that aren't crowded. Makes taking photos much easier. Love your gull flight shot! Nice work! The coastal scenery is beautiful!

  15. Gorgeous scenery:) Love that shot of the Herring Gull.

  16. A lovely series of photos of a place I've just come back from myself.

  17. Beautiful pictures ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  18. A great day of birding and I love the coast shots. Awesome shot of the Herring gull in flight. Great series of photos, Andrew!

  19. What a lovely palace to visit. I love the shot of the colorful boats.
    You also nicely captured quite a few of the shorebirds.

  20. Aren't seaside vacations wonderful! Wonderful pictures on this post and I'm on my way back to scroll down for the earlier coastal posts. (Just got back from my own seaside getaway -- less picturesque than yours,but wonderful too!)

  21. What a wonderful day you had on the Welsh shore. So many birds and the beach almost to yourself. A lovely post.

  22. I do like Rhos on Sea and usually visit a few times during the summer months but this year I haven't for some reason so I enjoyed your photos, thank you!

  23. ♡ ♡ ♡
    Muito lindo!
    Bom dia, com muita paz, alegrias e muito sol.
    Beijinhos do Brasil.
    ♡ ♡ ♡

  24. After reading your Welsh reports Andrew, I want to get back there more than ever now. I just love the place.

  25. Splendid set of pictures - it's always interesting to run a scope over the mud flats and see what you find.

    When I live in the UK the Egret would have been an even bigger surprise!

    Cheers - Stewart M

    PS: thanks for the link to WBW

  26. What a beautiful place, love all the birds and the hot of the boats "beached" by the tide.

  27. You do have the best walks Andrew. Funny to see that the cormorants do the same things with their wings whichever part of the world they happen to be in, I must say I've tried and failed many a time to catch them diving! Love the shot of the Herring Gull skimming across the water, brilliant catch.

  28. a great way to spend a day. Wish I lived by the sea.

  29. What a lovely place to bird or people watch or just walk on the beach..I love surprises when I am out and glad you had at least one. And thank you for linking up to Nature Notes Andrew..I enjoyed this post...Michelle

  30. These are lovely shots telling stories of your place. That flying big bird is spectacular. I can see lots of things to photograph in your area.

  31. What a great collection of birds, Andrew. The scenery is beautiful!!
