Monday, 9 July 2012

A quick visit to Haydn's Pool...........................................................................

I only had a spare hour on Sunday morning... I visited Haydn's Pool as I hadn't been for a few weeks.

The wet weather meant everything was green... and a bit overgrown but alive with bird song.

 Reed Warbler
I intend to go back for a longer visit one evening this week... weather permitting.


Iris said...

beautiful photo of the reed warbler :)

Carole M. said...

how sweet the reed warbler, and an hour is hardly enough, but better than nothing! You'll enjoy your next, longer excursion. Looks like a lovely place to walk about

Jerry said...

A lovely way to spend an hour - if I had a whole week there I'm sure I couldn't get a Reed Warbler shot like that one - beautiful!

The Herald said...

Well captured Reed Warbler Andrew,...[;o)

holdingmoments said...

Good catch with the Reed Warbler Andrew. They're not always co-operative.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

cute bird. great shot. (:

Hilke Breder said...

I love the Reed Warbler - beautiful image!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

love your perfect shot of the talkative warbler!! :)

TexWisGirl said...

adorable little warbler.

Anonymous said...

I hope you do get your better weather. I was watching qualifying for the Forumla One at Silverstone and it rained like winter. Jimmy Cricket, this is July after all!

Brian King said...

Great shot of the warbler, Andrew! He obviously has something to say.

Findlay Wilde said...

I really like your picture of the Reed Warbler

Bob Bushell said...

The Reed Warbler steals my heart away, brilliant photos.