Monday 2 July 2012

Bumbles tumbles.............................................................................................

I spent quarter of an hour a couple of weeks ago watching and taking images of bumble bees and insects feeding on the flowers in a friends garden.

 It was a lovely summer evening... which seems ages ago now as the rain keeps falling.

Fingers crossed the weather improves soon.


  1. All insects are in short supply at the moment Andrew, thanks to this lovely summer that we are having! We have to make do with the few hours of sunshine that we are getting!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  2. Really nice shots, Andrew! The flight photo is great! Those aren't easy to do. It's so dry here right now that it's affecting everything. Even with daily watering, our flowers are struggling because of the oppressive heat.

  3. Great insect shots Andrew!! Hope the rain lets up. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. gorgeous shots. one must be patient to get those photos. (:

  5. Great shots Andrew. He's to hoping your rain ends soon!

  6. Owady ładne kwiatki wybrały do sesji zdjęciowej.Życzę szybkiej poprawy pogody na słoneczną. Pozdrawiam.
    Insects nice flowers have opted for a photo shoot. I wish you a rapid improvement in the sunny weather. Yours.

  7. oh boy, do i hear you.

    if one picture is good, 100 is better!!

    these are so pretty!!

  8. Love bees and blooms. Glad you had the opportunity to capture them before more rain came. Hang in there.

  9. Great pictures of bees, and does look like wonderful weather at the time. Hope your weather and ours (rainy here too) improve soon.

  10. I can't imagine a better use of time than this!

  11. Hi Andrew, couldn't drop by here for a while, sorry for that. Had a look at your previous posts too, all wonderful, including this!

  12. Given the title of my blog, I am always trying to stop action with bees. Tricky little guys to catch.

  13. Happy July 4 to everyone out there, and be safe and cool. Richard

  14. beautiful and the bumble bees are some of the best i have ever seen, mine come out blurry, yours are sharp and clear and even shows the fuzzy parts.

  15. Your Robins are so pretty and colourful. Those posies and bees, how lovely~
