Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Another garden favourite........................................................... the Blackbird

A couple of weeks ago I placed my bird feeders closer to the house.
I have also been scattering seed just outside my french doors... with some success.

The Blackbirds are making the most of it.. lovely birds to see close up.
Wild Bird Wednesday


Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Hi!!! Pretty common blackbird .. A greeting

holdingmoments said...

A bit of food, and they soon become regulars. Good shots Andrew.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love his eyes. mesmerized. wow. (:

Brian King said...

Someone else had these in a post recently and I love them! The yellow eye ring and bill are very striking against the black plumage. Nice shots, Andrew!

Ruby said...

beautiful shots Andrew. The eye is striking. Thanks for posting them. Ruby

Unknown said...

Great pictures, I love the blackbird singing :)

Liz said...

Lovely shots Andrew! The yellow eye colour and beak against the black feathers is very striking.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

very handsome bird

Anonymous said...

Hey, that is a lot cheaper than buying an expensive telephoto lens. Well done Andrew.

TexWisGirl said...

i love your blackbirds.

Gillian Olson said...

Very handsome looking birds, the yellow beak and around the eyes is quite striking.

John said...

Lovely photos Andrew,
Blackbirds are still feeding young in our garden and starting to look extremely tatty, yours still look rather fine!

Hilke Breder said...

Nice shots, Drew! Are they the ones that sing such beautiful songs?

Rohrerbot said...

Beautiful closeups, BUT I have to admit....I get scared throwing bird seed close to the front door....other critters come to visit:)

Unknown said...

Great close ups Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

mick said...

Great close-up photos and lovely to be able to coax the birds that close to your windows.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the eyes on these characters! And the stonework adds so much texture interest to the framing of each one!

Findlay Wilde said...

I really like how clear you can see the yellow round his eyes.

Susan said...

Awww, aren't they darling!

Modesto Viegas said...

Nice shots!!!

Vores have said...

Great pictures you show of the blackbird - a bird we have many in Denmark.
Wishing you a good day :)
Hanne Bente

Stewart M said...

Hi there - just goes to show you don’t have to have a coat of many colours to be good looking!

I think the make blackbird is a picture of simple elegance.

Stewart M – Australia

PS: sorry about the lack of thumbnails this week – will get it right for WBW #3

Pat said...

What a cute blackbird!

barbara l. hale said...

Terrific shots, Andrew!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

These are great Andrew. I am thinking of you and your Mum this evening~