Saturday, 2 June 2012

House Sparrows................................................................ feeding their young

I watched this pair of House Sparrows feeding their youngsters for a couple of hours this afternoon.

 The youngsters only appeared as the parents called.

 Gaping mouths begging for food.

 They were getting plenty.

 Both parents feed their young but I only saw the female going into the nest to remove droppings.

Dads turn.

 The yound sparrows leave the after about two weeks from hatching.
Theparents will then continue to feed them for a further 11-19 days.

I also took some video ... this little clip is only 56 seconds long.
Dads up first... then mum takes over.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

with all that screaming going on I would be poking that food in to. these are wonderful Andrew. so fun to see them being fed.

TexWisGirl said...

cute little hungry chirpers.

Bob Bushell said...

Good for dad and mum, keep going to fetch more food.

Shaun said...

Wonderful post and that video was extra specially good.

Well done Andrew

Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

Anonymous said...

It makes one wonder just how easy food seems to come by with al the trips they make in a short span of time. Well done Andrew.

Unknown said...

Great show Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Carole M. said...

great photos and video too Drew; I hear the plane overhead and life goes on in the 'burbs and the birds look after their young in someone's backyard. Did you use your indoor-hide for these shots?

Anonymous said...

Excellent post and video! I love watching the parents feed their babies, it fascinates me!

Brian King said...

Fantastic photos, Andrew! I love the babies with their heads sticking out of the birdhouse! Here in the states, House Sparrows are generally considered pests, kinda like starlings. We have so many of both that it's unbelievable.

Liz said...

Great shots Andrew!! Cute.