Monday, 7 May 2012

I love it when my life just gets swept up into a wonderful moment...................

Today was fantastic... the weather was fine and my holiday mood was in full swing.
I followed some footpaths I haven't walked for a while that eventually brought me the River Weaver at Acton Bridge.
I have recently discovered the address of the parents of a really good mate from my youth who sadly lost his life in a car accident on Christmas Eve 1976.
I hadn't met Tonys' parents Alan and Roz for over 30 years.
I knocked on the door and my welcome was amazing... big hugs and they even fed me.

Their house backs onto the river.
All the houses have a jetty and most owners have a boat... Alan was no exception and asked me join him for a cruise on his river boat.
 The last time I was afloat on the River Weaver was when I was in the Sea Cadets in the late 1960's.
On a Mine Sweeper HMS Upton.

M.V. Chica
I will share this shipwreck soon.... it has a wonderful history.

This is Alan's boat as we moored alongside the shipwreck... he spends a lot of the summer months camping out in his boat with his grandson.

 We moored at Dutton Lock and walked towards the railway viaduct... chatting about the old days.

This is the old horse bridge... it was built in 1910.

 As we walked back to Dutton Locks two little dogs appeared out of nowhere... and walked with us for a while... then they just scampered off.

 A retired lorry driver living the the retirement dream. 
He has the river at the bottom of his garden... it takes him into the countryside on his boat.
He is in his 70's and still climbs trees with his grandson James.
I am so pleased I made the effort to call in to see them.


TexWisGirl said...

i bet they were thrilled to have you - a connection to their son. :)

love the horse bridge!

Min fotogen said...

What a nice day for both of you!
Nice photo!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a gorgeous bridge. you always seem to find the greatest views. love it!! what a nice & relaxing day you both had. (:

Brian King said...

That's awesome, Andrew! How nice to see them again after so many years! Alan's boat is a beauty. Gorgeous scenery and I look forward to more photos of the shipwreck! Glad you had such a great reunion!

Adam Tilt said...

Brilliant story Andrew. It really captured my imagination. Can't wait to read about the shipwreck tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Great post and great start to your vacation. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

genie said...

Aren’t you glad you stopped. You would have missed so much if you had not. This is a wonderful story you have told and the accompanying pictures are so nice. His boat is a fine one. It looks like he polishes it everyday. Loved your post. genie

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

A wonderful reconnection, you no doubt made their day too.

Susan said...

Oh how lovely for you and them!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I share your enthusiasm at reestablishing old ties. It couldn't have gone better. And you got to see the river from a different view. I await the pictures of the cool old wreck.

Horst in Edmonton said...

What a wonderful day you had, I'm sure you made your old mates parents day as well.

Anonymous said...

So nice to read about your reunion. In his 70's and enjoying life. Good on him. Looking forward to the shipwreck story.

Gillian Olson said...

Sounds like a terrific day, thanks for sharing.

Bob Bushell said...

Nice one Andrew, what a way to spend retirement, brilliant photos.

The Herald said...

A touching story Andrew.
Excellent post and pictures...[;o)

cieldequimper said...

Looks like you made each other's days!

Carole M. said...

How lovely that you could re-visit with your friend's parents after all those years. It would've been a very special moment for them too, that you took the time to surprise them like you did. How interesting those long-boats; they would be a very leisurely break away from home base. The horse bridge is very elegant.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was going to say I love it when my life just gets swept up into a wonderful moment to, then I read your post and your moment outdoes my sunday Miracle moment. wow what a fun day. that shipwreck photo is fantastic and would have been the top of my moment.

Bitch said...

Good old friendship never ends..
Really very nice walk on the side of river bank!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!!

Art said...

A beautiful series of images!

Shaun said...

Such a warm welcome after all those years. you mush have kept the boyish good looks them lol.
Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

Pantherka said...

Great meeting after so many years.
Alan has a beautiful ship.
You've had a great fun.

Terry Brookes said...

hello andy, Terry here, Alans 2nd son, i have been living in CapeTown SouthAfrica for nearly 30 years and love going home to see the folks, we always take dads boat out, thank you so so much for the visit, they have been grieving for 35 years and a visit like yours is warming .... keep up the super blog, Terry Brookes..

Nancy said...

Loving his boat -- happy that you were able to reconnect. :)

Liz said...

More wonderful reflections and beautiful scenery!

Sallie ( said...

Oh Andrew I am in love with the English canal boats -- we got to take a short canal cruise and although you call this a river boat, it looks very similar and I love it!!! I'd want to vacation on it (permanently). Wow. Neat you reconnected with your friends' parents -- I bet it was a comfort for them.