Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Attempting the Great Escape.................................. and I did more than once

I am having so much fun looking through my family's old photo albums.
It's going to be a long job scanning all the images and trying to arrange them in some sort of order.

I'm told I never did manage to chew through this wire.

It appears that as I got older (me aged 2) the fencing got a bit more difficult to break through.

I am creating a photo book (so easy to do these days) that future generations of my family may cherish.
 ...and no it won't all be about me ;-)


The Hairy Birder said...

You haven't changed a bit Andrew!

Furry Bottoms said...

You were a cute kid! :) The photo book is a great idea. I have been making them once a year as a Xmas gift for my family... like a comprehensive summary of the whole year with everybody in it. They seem to love it. But I'd like to do some with old pictures like yours too someday. Have fun with this project!

Bob Bushell said...

You are a little dreamer, cute.

TexWisGirl said...

it's all about YOU! :)

Anonymous said...

"The Great Escape". My first chuckle for the day as I invisioned the movie by the same name as I looked at your photo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i imagine they had to do away with the wires because at two you would know you could crawl under that bottom wire. you were really a handsome 2 year old. and it is easy to make books these days,

Unknown said...

Did the wire finally become chain link?? Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Mina fotostunder said...

Helt underbara bilder!

The Herald said...

Looks like you were,even at an early age, eager to get out and explore the big wide world Andrew!...[;o)

Carole M. said...

...and he had no idea what lay ahead; it's kind of amazing to look back and 'fill in the dots'

Pat said...

What a little cutie you were!

Min fotogen said...

A good way to save to further generations !

BlueShell said...

You were so dear...(and you still are, of course!)

have a good night sleep, Drew!

Gillian Olson said...

These pictures are very cute, a great idea to scan them, I am sure they will be appreciated.
Don't you know you have to tunnel out? :^)

Anonymous said...

A photo book is a great idea, make sure you add names, places, etc!

I have a photo book my Dad left me, which he made in 1918 while serving in the Army in WWl. There are pages of family members from the 1800s that I haven't a clue who they are and would love to know since I was his only child!

Susan said...

What a darling little boy. I absolutely love these photos! Totally awesome dude! (my California valley girl imitation.) I was born and raised in California. Was a beach bum and had long hair down to my waist and wore a bikini. My how life has changed!

Scriptor Senex said...

Love that first one!

Pantherka said...

Andrew, beautiful photos from your childhood. Photobook is a great idea.

Unknown said...

Biting the fence! How cute! :-)

genie said...

You were just so cute. Now, you have me thinking I need to put some of mine online.genie

Sallie ( said...

Looks like they had to keep upgrading that fence to keep you from getting out and going rambling -- and birding no doubt ;>)