Friday, 27 April 2012

Where's Andrew?.............................................................................................

 I have treated myself....again.
In an attempt to get closer to my garden wildlife I have purchased a camo chair hide/blind.

 It arrived at work today to the amusement of my colleagues when I explained what was in the big box.

 It only took a minute or so to erect when I got home.
It has a big zip up window at the front and two smaller ones either side... it was sold as a hunting hide.
I hope to put it to better use and photograph my wildlife.

This is also the first time I have shared the inside of my little house.


Anonymous said...

Looks nice :) That's a nice treat - and it will be to great use when photograph the wild life.
Have a great weekend!


TexWisGirl said...

the blind will be fun! i've considered getting one but i know i probably wouldn't have the patience to sit still - i'd be thinking i needed to be doing something productive - or blogging. :)

and your home is absolutely pristine! you english are such tidy folk!

Bob Bushell said...

Nice one, the new hide and your house. Beautiful.

Unknown said...

Good lord Andrew!! You're getting as strange as Boom & I!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Dianne said...

Now is there room in your hide for a coffee ... I've never seen an inside house hide but I'm sure you will put it to good use and we will reap the reward with your super pics.

Magia da Inês said...

°º✿ Olá, amigo!

Com essa camuflagem tenho certeza que lindas fotografias virão para a nossa admiração.

°º✿ Beijinhos.
º° ✿ ✿ Brasil

DeniseinVA said...

This is so very cool! I have been trying to come up with ways to take pictures of our bird life out back and I can just envision myself with this. Taping sheets of paper to the glass with a hole for the camera lens? This would be much, much better, and more comfortable. Enjoy your new purchase Andrew.

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. nice to see your home too, like your collectibles.

Rohrerbot said...

That is really wonderful! I would hang out inside there even if there weren't any birds. You can use it for anything really...spouses, kids, wildlife, inlaws....the list goes on and on:) Enjoy....that's a nice treat! Have a good weekend.

Susan Scheid said...

Oh, do I have hide envy, now! I've often thought of getting one so I can sneak up on my bluebirds. Do keep us posted on how you fare with it.

EG CameraGirl said...

Fascinating! I hope it works as well as you hope... and I'm sure it will. :)

Carole M. said...

I'm fascinated; I think I need one too! I might imagine the awakening and education you offered to your work colleagues. Make the most of it and I look forward to your special moment photos coming up. We need a treat now and then; can't be all work and no to balance the scales

Sondra said...

OH how cool is that!! I bet you will be able to get very close. Your place if very neat, I love the clean sleek look you have going. ENJOY your new hide.

Anonymous said...

Oh oh, Andrew is getting serious. Your maid/housekeeper does a very nice job.

Anonymous said...

Very nice treat you got there Drew, now go out there and show us how it works! Nice little pad ya got there!

Gillian Olson said...

I did not know that such a thing was available. Good idea though I know that the birds outside scamper as soon as I get my camera out and get near the window. Your house is way neater than mine. :)

Iris said...

I am impressed, this is a great idea, it also gives a protection against the rain.

Iris said...

NIce to visit your home too :)

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Love your new home away from home. It's really a great idea. Should be fun, and interesting!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - nice looking hide - although is it the right colour to use in your front room??!


holdingmoments said...

I'm sure you'll get some great results with that Andrew.

Tidy looking house too.

Ruby said...

Cool hide!!! I love your house - tasteful decorations :)

The Glebe Blog said...

Good luck with the hide Andrew. It'll work as long as you have the patience to go with it, something I lack.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a great idea for you, and i would like it to, but there is no way i could get in that thing, and if i did, you would have to cut me out of it to get me up, i would need a tall stand up one. i think this should work. can't wait to see what photos you snap

Susan said...

I love your little home. Comfortable

Sallie ( said...

That's going to be so much fun! I love your house -- we are having tile put down in our little house -- I hope it looks as good as yours does!

Debbie said...

haha, i love your clever title!!

i am a "home peaker/peeping tom"!!
very nice!! i like it better then the chair thingey!!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

So much better to shoot with a camera than with a gun, Andrew. Your house looks very cosy.

Nancy said...

My husband has one of those for deer hunting and said I should use it for my bird photography. Haven't yet though.

Love your home -- neat and tidy like your garden! :)

Unknown said...

Fantastic! What a cool idea, Andrew! :-)

BlueShell said...

I should have one of hide from my pupils.... (I'm a teacher as you know)....

You have a lovely garden, as I say up there...and you have a beutiful living room...LOVELY and cosy!


PerthDailyPhoto said...

You'll have to let us know how it works out with the hide Andrew, I like the idea of it..I've been so tired lately I'd probably sit and fall asleep and miss all the action haha!

Arija said...

Thank you for inviting us in Drew. Love your new piece of equipment. Springman has one too and now I'm itching to get one as well.