Thursday, 26 April 2012

My little 2006 point and shoot................................................... I love it to bits

 I always carry my little Casio Exilim EX-Z70 point and shoot...  it's a great little camera to use.
It's slim and light... and slips into my shirt pocket ... it also takes pretty clips.

Same tree... same spot... the zoom range is superb.

 If I spot the opportunity for an image... I always have the means to grab it.

Whether it's just seeing a lovely landscape...

 ...or just travelling light on a long walk... and capturing a memory.

 Casio Exilim EX-Z70 it's a great little camera to use.

This was taken this afternoon at work... I have no sky images to share from today.
It's been chucking it down with rain all day.


TexWisGirl said...!

kirstallcreatures said...

I agree, a point and shoot it such a handy accessory, lovely photos of the tree

Kay said...

That is a very interesting tree and yes, your point & shoot takes great photos. I love the one of the boat on the water.

Luna Miranda said...

wow, love your photos! the tree is absolutely beautiful---the 4th photo is my favorite. you're using a great camera, your composition is superb.

Rohrerbot said...

Fantastic shots. I have a similiar use as well with my point and use. Somedays I don't want to carry all the luggage of the other camera with me. That's when I bring the smaller little guy that won't take away from the hike:)

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! I love that tree, too! And I also love my little point and shoot! Your photos for the day are absolutely gorgeous! Your composition is superb! Terrific shot of the boat on the water, too! We're back to gray and rainy in Seattle, too! Have a great weekend, Andrew, hopefully with some sunshine!!


HansHB said...

Such a lovely tree!
Great sky and a very good post!
Happy SkyWatch!

Bob Bushell said...

My brother has one like that, but his is Canon.
You take some lovely photos.

TexWisGirl said...

i'd take that rain!

Anonymous said...

Your Casio does an excellent job, makes me want to drag out my Sony Cyber-shot and play with it.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Great images.. Love that tree!
Your P&S serves you well. I tote an older Canon A620. Love it!

Iris said...

Hi Andrew
being delighted with my Canon 600D I have almost forgotten that I possess Casio Exlim Z11 (just checked right now :) This is really very good camera, for some shots it is invaluable :)
Best regards

Debbie said...

oh i just love that tree!!

Unknown said...

Great little camera!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Great what you did with that lone tree. People underestimate point & clicks. I love my little Canon Powershot SX210. Hard to tell the difference in images against my Nikon DSLR.

Light and Voices said...

Your point and shot does a lovely job. I love those tree shots. You have that photographer's "eye".
Joyce M

Laura said...

what an amazing tree!!! gorgeous photos!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such delightful captures! Have a great weekend!

Sky Shots at my page.

Brian King said...

I love that tree! It has to be one of my favorite photo subjects from all the blogs I follow. Those clouds behind it just make the scene that much better. Your little camera does and fantastic job, Andrew! Glad you keep it with you.

Unknown said...

Tree that has a gesture that seems to speak to the sky.
Wonderful pictures.
Excellent light and perspective.
Have a nice day Andrew..

Carole M. said...

the 'little' cameras are indeed so handy. Lovely shots each one of them, hopefully tomorrow the sun will shine for you Drew

ZielonaMila said...

Sensational taking, the beautiful nature. I am greeting

Jim said...

Great shots! Great little camera....always good to have on e handy.

Nivin Kadar said...

Wonderful landscapes


Ruby said...

Wow, such a slim camera :) I love the shots, especially the second one is superb!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love your little camera and thanks for sharing it with us. your photos are wonderful. i am headed over to check this out on amazon

Sallie ( said...

Beautiful tree! I love being able to carry my point and shoot everywhere. Bill used to carry his "good" camera when we knew we were going somewhere photo-worthy and then we'd both take pictures of the same thing; he's pretty well given up carrying it because mine is always with us in those places (and with me everywhere else too!)

Liz said...

These are beautiful images, Andrew! I LOVE that tree. There is something about trees that really make the image even more wonderful