Monday, 30 April 2012

After a really wet weekend the sun is shining again........ but I'm back at work

A bit of colour before reverting back to black and white.

Many thanks for your lovely comments yesterday... of possibly the first picture ever taken of me.
I have loads of old family photos to scan and save to digital.
 I hope future generations of the family will appreciate seeing their ancestors.
I have the old family Bible from my dad's side of the family which dates back to the 1870's. 
My sister in law has also been doing a bit of research.

 I can't resist showing another one of me... taking my first steps.

This was written on the back of the photograph... it's mum's writing.
We were on holiday and she tells me as long as I had my sticks to hang onto I could walk.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...with those sticks in hand, lucky you didn't become a drummer in a rock and roll band.

Anonymous said...

You just kept getting more and more adorable as you aged! Very cute how you had to have your sticks to keep you balanced!

TexWisGirl said...

so darn cute!!!

and the mallard is pretty cute, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and her i was thinking you were practicing for becoming a drummer boy, and all the time they are your "walking sticks" really cute. beautiful and bright mr duck.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos :)
The mallard is great!
Enjoy your evening.


Chatty Crone said...

Your cute and the duck if beautiful - and you don't need sticks to walk anymore do you? sandie

Jessabelluh said...

I love baby pictures!
The duck is lovely, too.

holdingmoments said...

A drummer in the making :-)

Bob Bushell said...

Oh, isn't he cute.........

Carole M. said...

:) lovely. I love the sticks being your prop too. Who'd have thought those little feet would've been off walking as far as they go these days ....

Dina J said...

It's so great that you are getting to convert those pictures to digital. A few years ago I spent 6 months during nights and weekends scanning all of my parents old photos. It was great going through all those old pictures and slides.

Love the duck!

BlueShell said...

LOl...a warrior????...You have lethal weapons...I'm so scared! Just adorable, Andrew!!!

Connie Smiley said...

Beautiful bird! That's a really cute picture of you, and your mum's note made me laugh. It's pretty cool to have that old family Bible.

lis said...

Que blog lindo encontro aqui!Andrew

Preciso segui-lo porque adoro fotografias e seus pássaros são maravilhosos.
Fiquei encantada com a edição "Splish Splash- aquele banho encantador dos estorninhos.
Parabéns, são fotos dignas de prêmios.
maravilhosas !!
e as fotos de família,gostei muito também, são recordações únicas .
um abraço

Jeanne said...

such a cute picture, but i would be worrying that you were going to poke yourself in the eye. I am gathering since your photography is so great , that you did not. How much fun it is to look back and remember these family things. I just looked yesterday in an old family bible that was my great grandmothers and is dated 1850. A very fragile old book. Pretty amazing to see though. Have fun with your photo processing.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo!

Gillian Olson said...

Great shot of the duck. Old family photos are such treasures, it's a great one of you too.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

So sweet!!!

Pantherka said...

Great post.
Have a nice day.

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photographs. I am greeting

Susan said...

You were just the cutest little boy! I love them. Oh and the duck is awesome too!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well it's agreed Andrew you were definitely a little cutie pie sticks and all! As for the mallard, it's beauty is only dimmed a little by your cuteness haha!

Unknown said...

This is great, Andrew! :-)

Indrani said...

Good you are digitizing all memories. :)

DeniseinVA said...

You were a very cute little boy. Loved the stick story. I also love how you've caught those gorgeous colors in the duck photo.

Arija said...

Love your baby pictures. It does show you that fear is only in the mind and so is safety, which can appear to be clutching at straws or sticks.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - great picture - this could be one of the first records of people using ski poles to help them walk!!

The coal tits in the next post are great too.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

The Glebe Blog said...

Andrew, the way Oban gets packed in the summer months nowadays, you need sticks to push your way through the crowds. lol

Sallie ( said...

That's funny about the sticks -- It really is all in your head isn't it!

Sorry bout the sunshine and going back to work....all those years when we worked 5 days a week (in Oregon) I think the sun shined every Monday even during rainy season!