Sunday, 18 March 2012

A walk along the River Weaver.................... Marshalls Arm to Hartford Bridge

I have slowly been putting a little video clip together of my walk along the River Weaver.
It's a slow process uploading as I have a coal powered computer.... well it feels like it sometimes.
The Heron hunting (unsuccessfully) has already been shared... this shows a little bit more of his walk of shame.
I also took a still image.... listen and you can hear my camera shutter as I took the shot.

I captured these clips with my little Canon Legria FS200 camcorder... it fits in my pocket.

It's a wonderful little piece of kit with a 41x zoom.
The opening sequence of my little video shows the zoom in action and how far away the heron was.
  The zoom enables me to capture wildlife from a distance... I have to use a tripod to keep the shots steady.
To keep things as short as possible this is Part One of my walk... up to Hartford "blue" Bridge.

Part Two Hartford Bridge (and all it's noise) to Vale Royal.... tomorrow evening.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't believe the power of the zoom on that little camera and the vid is really sharp and clear, I can hear all the sounds and did hear the click of the still shot. they are amazing birds, we love to watch them fish at the beach. also so scenic and the row boast wow. Ok you hurt my ears...

Gillian Olson said...

Thanks for this video, beautifully clear and still.

TexWisGirl said...

i like the scene of the heron walking down w/ his big feet. the rowers are cool, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Great video Andrew! I can't believe how slow the herons movements are, of course I would probably be slow too if I had stilts for legs! :)

cieldequimper said...

Nice to see our star the heron again but oh the cars... the din they make... I almost went back to listening to the rowers!

Bob Bushell said...

A nice and serene video.

holdingmoments said...

Great watching that Heron Andrew.
So much patience, and quite a splash on the attack.

Kay said...

Fantastic video. I really enjoyed it.

John said...

Nice video Andrew! You have got a good little video camera there, very sharp images.
Poor Heron, falling in like that, I bet all the other Herons had a good laugh at him after that! ;)
Follow me at hEDGELAND TALES

Carole M. said...

Wow that’s pretty unique Drew, you and a coal-powered ‘puter; it might be valuable one day? Neat little camcorder too and quite some zoom happening. Great to watch the heron’s stealth, then the rowers; you gave them something to observe too as they rowed by. The the blue bridge and back to the real-world. That was a nice place you visited, serene..

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew...Great action with the Heron..they are so favorite part was when that first Heron foot came into view ...I busted out laughing..had a coughing fit and darn near wet my pants ; }
Thank you for the sweet get well hugs!!

grammie g said...

Andrew...Guess what.. I am not anonymous..I'm trying again

Susan said...

I love this video, and so quiet and serene till you get to the cars on the awesome blue bridge.

forgetmenot said...

Great video--such fun to watch and "listen". Beautiful daffodils on your header. Mickie ;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting how we can hear the birds chirping but the heron splash is so faint; you realize then the birds chirping are right near you on this side of the water. I liked how you let the boaters row into your scene, that was well done. The only thing wrong is I think you have the cars of the bridge segment processed in reverse...they are on the wrong side of the road. ;) Otherwise, great video Andrew. I need to get out and do one now myself.

Bitch said...

This is another experience than only a photograph!!
Thank you for sharing!!~!!

Pantherka said...

Beautiful video, it was something to watch, great!