Saturday, 31 March 2012

I went urban today............................................... a trip to the city of Chester

I did something I haven't done for over ten years... I have used public transport.
I caught a train and traveled to our cathedral city Chester... it only takes about half an hour.

This is my local station Greenbank... it's on the Manchester to Chester line and quite close to home.
The main station building is now a church.... I took this image with my little point and shoot.
Station masters, ticket offices and even public toilets are a thing of the past.
I did my usual camera overload.... 650+ images... of Chester.

Chester Cathedral... a magnificent building inside and out.

Urban wildlife.

The city centre.
 Austerity measures seem to have bypassed Chester... it was very busy with shoppers.
Chester is also famous for it's street performers.

Street entertainment.
This busker deserved a bit more applause than he received from the passers by.
I hazard a guess the little dancer is his daughter with her Mum taking the video.
She gave him a big hug and a kiss before I took this clip.... taken with my little point and shoot.

Roman ruins... the Roman Amphitheatre is a popular visitor attraction.

The River Dee... childhood memories for me here.
                  On the far side of the band stand I fed my first swan with a piece of bread aged 5/6.
It snatched it from my hand catching my fingers... I cried my eyes out.

Time for home... Platform 6 Chester Station.... It's been a mild day 10c and no rain.
A quiz question to end this post.
This tower in Chester was built in 1799... it is the oldest of three remaining in the UK and probably the oldest such structure still standing in the world.
What was it built for?... guesses only so no Wiki or Googleing Chester.


Jerry said...

The tower looks a bit similar to a lighthouse structure. Was it a prison?

Horst in Edmonton said...

Great tour Andrew, I have no idea of what the tower was used for, I'll try a guess, was it a hunting tower for spotting game?

Kay said...

I love your photos in this post, especially the first photo of the train track.

Anonymous said...

The little bandstand...where it all began. You could have kept the camera on the little girl the entire time. She was so cute and entertainng. No idea on the missle silo.

TexWisGirl said...

wouldn't have expected to find a banjo-pickin' performer there in your neck of the woods... :)

probably not a grainery, but that'd be my off-the-wall guess...

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant photographs of the city Chester, and the wonderful video, that's beautiful.

joo said...

I've never been to Chester which seems to be a great mistake. Lovely photos!

Maria said...

Nice blog. Often it is better to travel by train, you see more and no problems with traffic!
I think the tower belongs by a fabric of stone, ceramic or something like that. But perhaps not used anymore.

Linda said...

What a wonderful, delightful tour. Thank you for sharing.

Carole M. said...

The rail network is really handy to get places sometimes. Interesting to see the station building now used as a church, beats it becoming derelict. At least the train still picks up from here at least. Great cathedral; oh so worth the excursion! Are you saving inside pics for another post? Sweet little squirrel pic! Well Chester city is certainly thriving, such a contrast to the rail station you came from. It's almost like travelling in a time-warp from solitude to the buzz of a city like that; it's good to experience and good to know home isn't far away. YES, great finger-pickin' banjo player, people are just so busy with their day and unknowingly take things for granted. One benefit of getting older we can sit back momentarily and smell the roses, everyone's, not just our own. I smiled about your childhood memories/swan at the River Dee; nice that you can revisit. Cute train for your trip back home! Your quiz question has me bluffed, I started thinking of various answers but because it has windows on the way up makes me squash each one. I'll be interested in your answer in another blog post. Neat post Drew!

Anonymous said...

Great video, he definitly would have gotten applause from me, but was a little surprised by his musical choice. I have no clue what the tower might be, maybe some kind of lookout tower..

Thank you for the tour Drew, Chester looks like a beautiful place to visit.

Susan said...

I would love taking the train! And the area you went to is so beautiful. The cathedral is definitely magnificent!

Unknown said...

Another awesome trip!

Okay, here's my guess... and using US baseball analogy, I'm saying this guess is high and outside: the smokestack from abattoir, or meat packing plant. (Reminds me of one in Medora North Dakota, US.)

abhinavr said...

That was a nice journey through photos. The Cathedral is very glorious. Capture of the squirrel is so cute.

Brian King said...

The train station is wonderful! I love the look of the cathedral. Wonderful architecture! The old tower in Chester is great. Hard to believe they built something like that so long ago. Very nice urban shots, Andrew!

Joop Zand said...

Thanks for this nice impression..... you have made a lot of nice pictures.

Wish you a nice sunday.

Greetings, Joop

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking to lock the queen in it... no idea really. love love love all the pics, such beauty as i will never see with my own eyes. i love all things train and will be riding and old steam train on april 14th, they are having a civil war camp and a battle for us to watch. this will be my 3rd ride on the train, last time was 2 years ago. banjo music makes me crazy, love the little girl

Magia da Inês said...

Amei conhecer um pouco dessa cidade.
Arquitetura grandiosa.

Bom domingo de Ramos!

cieldequimper said...

I have no clue but I like remnants of the industrial past. Never been to Chester (yet), it'll now be on the to-go list!

Unknown said...

The city center shot is fantastic! What an amazing place. The cathedral is wonderful too.

The Glebe Blog said...

Brings back memories Andrew. I heard but didn't see Gene Pitney at the ABC in 1966. (my date for the night was the cashier).
I also remember being chosen to wine wait tables at a big meeting of Field Marshalls and Generals at Saighton camp one weekend. Every army bigwig was there.

Wanda wondered about the buskers musical choice. The composer of the piece was the brilliant Earl Scruggs , he died on Wednesday.

Gillian Olson said...

Great tour of Chester and the banjo player in that video is really good. As far as the tower goes, would it be textile related?

Sondra said...

OH so thats what Chester looks like, my X was born and raised in Manchester...I say its a creamatorium...there is one in Queens NY that looks like that!

Pantherka said...

Andrew, your whole contribution is wonderful. The trip by train had to be great / after so many years / and video is great.

Pat said...

I love the train station.

Liz said...

A great post Andrew. I got so carried away taking photos in the UK and Europe back in Sept/Oct 2010. I think I came home with about 7500 images!! But it may have been my only trip there. The UK is so beautiful.

Sallie ( said...

Having a lovely morning catching up -- scrolling backwards -- what a beautiful city Chester is; I'm so glad you broke from your usual mode because this was a place I've never even heard of and it is a beautiful City. (Is it possible to be homesick for a place you've never seen? Your posts do that to me.) The Cathedral was beautiful - I loved every one of your Chester posts. Thank you!

wildaboutwales said...

another ? what is the structure on the side of the shot tower,